Rotary Awareness Month!
January is Rotary Awareness Month, so get out there and share with your family, your friends, your neighbours, those around you all the wonderful things that makes Rotary what it is. It always amazes me the response you get from people both locally and around our country and the globe how they know and think of Rotary. Often you will meet people who have never heard of Rotary or know very little and at this time it's our moment to shine and invite them to get to know Rotary. But the moments I find really special are when you take the time to ask people what they know of Rotary and they tell you tidbits and stores of how Rotary has touched them or someone they care about. It is in these moments I truly come to realize and learn what Rotary truly is. So I invite each of you to ask at least one person a week who you encounter in your day what Rotary means to them and take that time to both educate others and educate yourself. And don't forget to let people know what Rotary does both in our community and across the Globe. Remember more members and more involvement will truly Make Dreams Real!