Teddy Bear Program
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The main goal of this program is to collect new and gently love stuffed animals and then distribute them to local organizations to give out in times when comfort and de-stressing is

When young children are exposed to stressful and sometimes traumatic situations providing comfort by giving them a small stuffed teddy bear to keep can sometimes mean the world of difference. Numerous services throughout our city including Cochrane District EMS, Timmins Police Service, Child and Family Services, Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services, Timmins and District Hospital ER and many others have found great value in this program in previous years. Seniors' homes are also eager recipients of this program as many elderly also find great comfort in snuggling a stuffed animal.

Contact Us

To request participation to receive bears, please complete this form. Otherwise, you can email us at rotaryteddy@gmail.com

Teddy Bear drop off locations

History of the Teddy Bear program

As you may be aware this program was previously started and maintained by AJ and Fran Zimmerman for 29 years but was unfortunately stopped in 2020 due to the pandemic. The Rotary Club, in partnership with Country 93.1, is honoured to be able to revive this much-coveted community initiative.   Endless hours of collecting, sorting and distributing aside there are many other expenses including washing, mending, labelling and storage of the thousands of stuffed animals we’re anticipating receiving. Your assistance by providing stuffed animals and/or a monetary donation towards the program would be greatly appreciated, especially by the children of our community.

The Rotary Club of Timmins-Porcupine is very grateful to Fran and AJ Zimmerman for starting this program and running it for the last 29 years!  We are honoured to be able to continue their legacy