Join us for our Holiday Pancake Breakfast! 2024-11-15 05:00:00Z 0
Coat Drive 2024 2024-11-15 05:00:00Z 0
Want to learn more about Rotary? 2024-09-09 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you for making the Fall Festival a success!

A huge THANK YOU to all our incredible vendors, sponsors, musicians and visitors for making the 2024 Brewster Rotary Fall Festival a success! 🌟 Your participation and support help us continue our mission of giving back to the community in meaningful ways.
When you shop local and support events like this, you're helping fund critical programs, from scholarships for our youth to providing winter coats for those in need. Together, we're making a positive impact right here in our town. We couldn't do it without you!
Here's to many more years of fun, fellowship, and community service!
Stay tuned for pictures and what we've got planned next!
May be an image of text
Thank you for making the Fall Festival a success! 2024-09-09 04:00:00Z 0

2024 Rotary Day of Service

Thank you to everyone who supported our Food Drive and the Interact Club's Bake Sale!  Because of your support we were able to donate 4 large boxes of food as well as the bake sale funds to Putnam CAP.
We were happy to be a part of this event which had Rotarians around the world doing service activities on May 18th.
2024 Rotary Day of Service 2024-05-25 04:00:00Z 0
2023 Community Pancake Breakfast 2023-11-22 05:00:00Z 0
2023 Winter Fest 2023-11-03 04:00:00Z 0
2023 Coat Drive 2023-10-11 04:00:00Z 0
Brewster Rotary Fall Festival 2023-05-15 04:00:00Z 0
Community Pancake Breakfast 2022 2022-11-23 05:00:00Z 0

2022 - ANOT

    Please mark your calendar!     
2022 - ANOT MAS 2022-03-19 04:00:00Z 0
Coat Drive 2021 2021-11-19 05:00:00Z 0
A Night of Tasting - June 4th 2020 2020-02-25 05:00:00Z 0

Coat Drive 2019

Dear Friends,
Help us in or Collecting Winter Coats for the needy  We are starting our collection November 1st 2019 - January 1st 2020
Coat Drive 2019 2019-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

Boni-Bel Farm
Barnum Rededication

Our club was proud to be at Bonnie-Bell Farm to be part of the re-dedication of the Barnum Cemetery .
Revolutionary War Veteran Jonah Barnum is buried there along with other family members .
Left to Right
Bottom Row:  Bob, Steve, Mindi, Paul, Top Row: Clare, Joe,  Bernie, Shayne, Ed, Grace, Mike D., Sean & Peter
Boni-Bel FarmBarnum Rededication 2019-09-24 04:00:00Z 0
A Night of Tasting Poster 2019-06-05 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow

Brewster Rotary Club Recognizes 7 New Paul Harris Fellows 
Published on Tuesday, 30 April 2019 16:56
Written by Peter Carey
The Rotary Club of Brewster recognized 7 new Paul Harris Fellows amongst it’s members this afternoon with a luncheon at Aversano’s Restaurant in Brewster. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 or more, to The Rotary Foundation. Rotary established the Fellowship in 1957 to encourage and show appreciation for substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships. Rotary International in 2006 has recognized over 1 million Paul Harris Fellows.
Those recognized as 1st level Paul Harris Fellows today are, Shayne Stark, Ed Placke, Joe Ruggierio, Jennifer Perry, Sara Nesheiwat, Lisa Cinque, and Mindi Stark.
 In addition to those first time Fellows, the club also recognized 6 current Paul Harris Fellows who were elevated to the next level of Fellowship. Those acknowledged are, Current Brewster Club President Paul Fucito, Dr. Mike Nesheiwat, Ray Durkin, Bob Cinque, Mike Durante and Greg Amato. On hand to help those recognized celebrate were friends and family along with the youngest Paul Harris Fellow recipient in the Brewers Club’s 74 year history, Riley Perry, who is also the grandson of Rotary Club of Brewster President Paul Fucito.
 A few of the Paul Harris Society gifts have helped provide:
  • Vocational training for teachers establishing an early childhood education center in South Africa
  • Water filters, toilets, and hygiene training to prevent fluorosis, diarrhea, and other diseases in India
  • A scholarship for a medical professional in Italy to research treatments that minimize mortality rates among premature babies
  • Peace-building seminars for 200 teachers and 1,300 students in Uganda
  • Treated mosquito nets and medical services that prevent malaria in Mali
Paul Harris Fellow 2019-04-30 04:00:00Z 0

A Night of Tasting - Sponsors

               Thank you for your support & sponsorship in this years
                                          "A Night of Tasting"
                                             June 27th, 2019
A Night of Tasting - Sponsors 2019-04-26 04:00:00Z 0
A Night of Tasting - Band  2019-04-24 04:00:00Z 0
Eagle Scout Project 2019-04-16 04:00:00Z 0
Putnam Service Dog 2019-03-22 04:00:00Z 0

"A Night of Tasting" 2019 

"A Night of Tasting 2019" 
 Save the Date June 27th 2019
smiley     smiley     smiley     smiley     smiley     smiley     smiley     smiley     smiley     smiley     smiley    
"A Night of Tasting" 2019 2019-01-24 05:00:00Z 0

Picture with Santa

Posted on Dec 13, 2018
Come on down to Heidi's 1270 Route 22 Brewster, NY
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Hosted by the Diggin Family & Brewster Rotary
Santa’s coming to town and Heidis Inn tonight. Come say hello !
Please bring an unwrapped gift for the less fortunate child.
Bring your camera's to take picture with santa
Picture with Santa 2018-12-13 05:00:00Z 0
Applebee's 2018 2018-12-13 05:00:00Z 0

Group Picture

Posted on Dec 11, 2018
Brewster Rotary Club 2018 Holiday Picture
Left to Right: Michael Cavalieri, Sean Diggin, Willis H. Stephens, Joe Ruggiero, Michael Nesheiwat, Glenn Wu, Suzanne Fregien, Paul Fucito, Georgette Mauriello, Shayne Stark, Mindi Stark, Robert Cinque, Jan Stark, Kevin Callahan, Greg Amato, Clare Rigano, Peter Carey, Ed Placke, Steve Ross, John DeFracesco
Group Picture  2018-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

Holiday Party 2018

Brewster Rotary's Holiday Party 2018 at Rraci's
Holiday Party 2018 2018-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

Putnam Trailway Bicycle Air Pump Station

Posted on Nov 02, 2018
Brewster Rotary is proud of Eagle Scout candidate Evan Payne and his bike trail project .
We are also proud to have supported the construction of the air pump station a great community service accomplishment .
Putnam Trailway Bicycle Air Pump Station 2018-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

Coat Drive

Posted on Nov 02, 2018
Our club is collecting good condition winter coats for less fortunate . All sizes . 
Please help us to help others .
Coat Drive MAS 2018-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

A Night of Tasting 2018

Posted on Jul 19, 2018
Call (845) 278-3123 to make reservation
Any questions, feel free to contact us
A Night of Tasting 2018 Mindi 2018-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

A Night of Tasting 2017

Posted by Barbara Evans on Mar 01, 2017
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Another year of a great tasting event held at Brewster's Temple Beth Elohim. We have added more wineries, distilleries, craft breweries and a few more food vendors. Glasses for tasting will be gifted with each paid admission ticket. Buffet dinner will be provided by Rich Parente from Clock Tower Grill. The amazing Tony and Tony T Entertainment will be providing our music again this year. Come watch the sunset looking from the top of the hill and enjoy this evening with us. Tickets are $50 in advance and $60 at the door. 

If you are interested in purchasing advertising space in our Tastings Guide or making any type of donation for our raffle table, please contact Barbara Evans 845-653-6768

Thanks again for your support and hope to see you there!
A Night of Tasting 2017 Barbara Evans 2017-03-01 05:00:00Z 0

Coat Donations to Putnam CAP

Posted by Jenny Hinsman
The Brewster Rotary donated 75 coats to Putnam Cap in early December.  Thirty of the coats were new from Operation Warm, and the remaining coats were used winter coats and jackets in good condition.   The photo below shows Jenny Hinsman (President, Brewster Rotary), Judy Callahan, Director of Putnam CAP, Rebecca Wittenberg, WIC Director at Putnam County Health Department, and Marty Vigdor (Psychologist at Green Chimneys and Brewster Rotarian).
Coat Donations to Putnam CAP Jenny Hinsman 2015-12-09 05:00:00Z 0

2015 Superbowl Winner

Posted by Jenny Hinsman
Congratulations to Jim Picarella for winning the 2015 Brewster Rotary Superbowl Raffle.
Our Second Place winners for the flat screen TV were Dennis DiMattia and Rick Kozok.
2015 Superbowl Winner Jenny Hinsman 2015-01-13 00:00:00Z 0

Wine Tasting Planning

Posted by Bill Evans
Our 2015 Wine Tasting Event is now in the planning stages. If you are interested in helping plan or be apart of this awesome event, please contact Bill Evans at 203-843-2612
...More to come
Wine Tasting Planning Bill Evans 2014-10-02 00:00:00Z 0

Superbowl 2015 Raffle

Go to Superbowl 2015 in Arizona for $100!!!  It's back again!  Brewster Rotary is raffling off a package for 2 to the Superbowl in Arizona.  Includes  2 VIP passes to the  Superbowl, hotel stay, $1000 airfare voucher plus so much more.  
Tickets are limited to 350 tickets.  Tickets are $100 or 3 for $250.  
Superbowl 2015 Raffle Bill Evans 2014-09-18 00:00:00Z 0

2014 Brewster Rotary Wine Tasting

Posted by Jenny Hinsman on Jun 02, 2014

Please join us on Thursday July 10th at 6:30 pm for the Brewster Rotary Wine Tasting Event at the Centennial Golf Club.

The cost of entry is $20 per person or $30 per couple.  There will be wine, bourbon, beer and hard cider provided by Brewster Wine & Liquor and D. Bertoline & Sons plus free cigars from the Connecticut Cigar Company for the first 50 people.  Live Harp music by Jeanette Devine and plenty of auction items.Image



2014 Brewster Rotary Wine Tasting Jenny Hinsman 2014-06-03 00:00:00Z 0
Upcoming Putnam Family & Community Services Fundraiser Jenny Hinsman 2013-08-29 00:00:00Z 0

Brewster Rotary Board Meets at the Historic Walter Brewster House

Posted by Bill Evans on Jan 16, 2013

Brewster Rotary had an historic luncheon board meeting at the Walter Brewster House on Thursday January 17th. 

Attending were Steve Smyth (President) Rotarian Kevin Kelly, Bob Cingue (Sgt. at Arms),  Gary Zuza, (President Elect), Jenny Hinsman (Treasurer) Dave Bruen (Foundation Chair) Mike Cavalieri (Vocational Chair) John Semmeles (Membership Chair) and Rotarian and Landmarks Preservation Society of Southeast Trustee Erin E. Meagher. 

Rotarians in the Eleanor Fitchen room at the Walter Brewster House.

The Walter Brewster House serves as an event space for weddings, festivals, corporate parties, fundraisers, meetings and cultural events. The house has been carefully restored and with careful attention to detail, the furnishings and artwork inside represent the Village of Brewster's rich history as well as Walter Brewster and John Gail Borden, important former residents of the house who brought economic development to Brewster. It is owned by the Landmarks Preservation Society of Southeast. 

Brewster Rotary Board Meets at the Historic Walter Brewster House Bill Evans 2013-01-17 00:00:00Z 0
Libby Pataki Speaks on Putnam Tourism Bill Evans 2012-10-23 00:00:00Z 0
Brewster Rotary at the 21st Annual Brewster Founder's Day September 30th 2012 Bill Evans 2012-10-02 00:00:00Z 0

Bill Bassett Visits Brewster Rotary

Posted by Bill Evans on Sep 10, 2012
On Tuesday we had the privilege of hosting a visit from Bill Bassett, He was accompanied by his wife Susan. He addressed the club by asking where have been and where we are going.  He brought his own 5 point plan with membership growth being #1.
Bill Bassett Visits Brewster Rotary Bill Evans 2012-09-11 00:00:00Z 0

Congratulations to Our Newest Member: Georgette Mauriello

Posted by Jenny Hinsman

On April 23, 2014, Georgette was inducted to the Brewster Rotary at the Putnam County Golf Course by District Governor Drew Kessler.
Also in this picture is President Judy DiMattia of the the Brewster Rotary.  Georgette is the Assistant Branch Manager at Tompkins Mahopac Bank on Independence Way.Image

Congratulations to Our Newest Member: Georgette Mauriello Jenny Hinsman 0

2014 Super Bowl Winner

Posted by Jenny Hinsman

CONGRATULATIONS to Rick Gebhardt of North Salem NY for winning the
Brewster Rotary Super Bowl 2014 Raffle.  


2014 Super Bowl Winner Jenny Hinsman 0

January 2014 Speakers

Posted by Jenny Hinsman

Ali Piccarella will be our speaker on January 21st.  She will discuss her plans to run the Boston Marathon for charity.

                                                                         boston marathon

Anne Ellsworth, the Executive Director of The Putnam/Northern Westchester Women's Resource Center is our speaker on January 28th. The Putnam/Northern Westchester Women’s Resource Center is recognized and well regarded in the community for its unique work in providing  services, resources and leadership in the areas of sexual abuse, domestic violence and gender equality.

January 2014 Speakers Jenny Hinsman 0

Super Bowl 2014 Raffle

Posted by Jenny Hinsman

Have you ever wanted to go to the Super Bowl but couldn’t afford the cost of a ticket?  Well, now is your chance – The Brewster Rotary is raffling off a pair of Super Bowl Tickets for 2014.  The maximum number of tickets to be sold will be 300 and the total package is worth $10 thousand, Including three nights in a New York City hotel, transportation to the game, food and merchandise.  The drawing will occur on January14th at Aversano’s Restaurant in Brewster at 12:30.  If you would like to purchase a ticket, please call Bill Evans at 845-279-1500.


Super Bowl 2014 Raffle Jenny Hinsman 0

Project Amigo

Posted by Jenny Hinsman

In February 2014, The Brewster Rotary will be sending two Rotarians- Bill Evans and Jan Stark, along with Jim Byron of the Patterson Rotary,  for the first time to Colima, Mexico to work on Project Amigo.  Project Amigo helps underprivileged children achieve their highest potential by providing programs that motivate them to stay in school, by improving their access to higher education, by promoting literacy, and helping with dental care.  Bill and Jan will be distributing books to schools, interacting with junior/high school scholarship recipients, and reading to and playing with children who need some extra attention. 



Project Amigo Jenny Hinsman 0

Rotary TV

Posted by Jenny Hinsman

Check out this YouTube Video of the Brewster Rotary.

Instructions:  right click on the link above.  Select "Open Link in New Tab."

rotary tv

Rotary TV Jenny Hinsman 0

2013 Red Rooster Mini Golf Outing

Posted by Jenny Hinsman

Please join us for a fun afternoon of food, entertainment, mini golfing and raffle/auction items.

When:  October 10th (Thursday)  3:30 - 7 pm.  Red Rooster Drive-In, Brewster NY.

Fees: $20 per adult, $15 for children (12 and under).  For more information, contact or 845-279-7927.


2013 Red Rooster Mini Golf Outing Jenny Hinsman 0

Healthcare Reform Presentation

Posted by Jenny Hinsman

On September 10th, Lauren Bruen Nicholson provided an update to the Brewster Rotary about the upcoming healthcare changes  for the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  She explained the new rights and protections, how the health insurance Marketplace will work and the requirements for small businesses.


President Judy DiMattia and Lauren Bruen Nicholson

Healthcare Reform Presentation Jenny Hinsman 0

Visit from District Governor Drew Kessler

Posted by Jenny Hinsman

Today, August 20th, 2013, District Governor Drew Kessler visited the Brewster Rotary.  It was an exciting event and we were able to discuss goals and ideas for how to grow Rotary Membership by engaging members to grow Rotary clubs.  

Our president, Judy DiMattia, is shown in the photo receiving the Rotary flag that states "Engage Rotary, Change Lives."


Visit from District Governor Drew Kessler Jenny Hinsman 0
Putnam Hospital Center Brick Dedication Ceremony Jenny Hinsman 0
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Comes to Brewster Rotary Bill Evans 0

Brewster Rotary helps light the Brewster-Southeast Holiday Tree

Posted by Bill Evans
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For the past few months, spearheaded by Brewster resident, Joe
Ruszkowski, representatives from the Brewster Rotary
from The Brewster Chamber of Commerce, The Brewster Elks, The Italian
American Club, The Knights of Columbus, The Brewster Fire Department,
The Brewster Lions Club as well as other groups raised funds
independently to get the Southeast Tree lit along with the small red
and blue patriotic trees surrounding the large spruce. All of the
lights are energy efficient LED lights and were installed by the
Italian American Club, the Brewster Fire Department, and Bill Henry's
Tree Service. This was the first time many clubs have gotten together
to meet and it was a great community effort we can all be proud of.
Over the past few months we've attended one another's events and
dedicated time and effort to get the tree lit as well as formed new
friendships among the clubs. We have plans to start meeting in January
with the same group of folks to now get the fireworks for Southeast
for the 4th of July. Joe Ruszkowski was key in getting all of us
together to get things done for Southeast. Without his leadership and
dedication to this cause it wouldn't have been possible. 


Brewster Rotary helps light the Brewster-Southeast Holiday Tree Bill Evans 0

2013 District Conference

Posted by Bill Evans

This years district conference will be held May 17-19, 2013 at Honor's Haven in nearby Ellenville, NY.

2013 District Conference Bill Evans 0

Wine and Cigar Tasting

Posted by Bill Evans

This years Wine and Cigar night will be again held at Centennial Golf Club.  The date is May 30, 2013 and the time is 6:30 PM.  Our very Bobby 5 with be providing the music along with the "Desotos.  We all appreciated the group last year.

Again we will have hand rolled cigars provided by Connecticut Cigar Company. The wine is provided by Brewster Wine and Liquors, John Semmels.  Food is prepared provided by Ledley Caterers, Brian Ledley. 

John also hopes to have beer and scotch available to go along with the cigars. 

The will be a 50/50 raffle, silent auction and live auction.

Donations are greatly appreciated. 

The cost per person is $15.00 

     per couple     $25.00

Free food

Free cigars

Free wine

Free beer?

Free scotch? 

Wine and Cigar Tasting Bill Evans 0
Brewster Rotary Installs New Officers & Grows in Membership Erin Meagher 0

Brewster and Patterson Rotary Clubs Team Up to Collect Appliances for Sandy Victims

Posted by Bill Evans

Featured in the Putnam Examiner 

Rotary Clubs Collecting Small Appliances for Sandy Victims

The Patterson and Brewster Rotary Clubs are collecting small appliance donations to help those families living along the coast recover from Hurricane Sandy.

“Since the day Hurricane Sandy washed through the coastal neighborhoods of the northeast, many residents have been surviving by camping in the hollow shells that were once their homes,” said Patterson Rotarian Bill Flash said. “The storm surge filled the main floor of many houses and washed away all of the conveniences we often take for granted. The telephones, televisions, toasters, microwaves, and coffee makers that weren’t swept away were rendered useless after being submerged.”

Volunteers from the local Rotary Clubs in Patterson and Brewster have joined together in an effort to help replace some of those items.

Brewster and Patterson Rotary Clubs Team Up to Collect Appliances for Sandy Victims Bill Evans 0

Rotarian of the Year

Posted by Gary Zuza
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Steve Smyth was named Rotarian of the Year for his 30+ years of excellent service to the community and the club.
Rotarian of the Year Gary Zuza 0

Installation Dinner

Posted by Gary Zuza
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The club's new leaders were inducted Tuesday evening following a fine dinner at Rraccis. 
Installation Dinner Gary Zuza 0

Red Rooster III

Posted by Gary Zuza
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 These golfers kept cool at the Brewster Rotary Red Rooster Open III. The only penalty strokes they got were heat strokes in the 106 degree heat.
Red Rooster III Gary Zuza 0
NYS Organ and Tissue Donor Registry Gary Zuza 0

Red Rooster Open

Posted by Gary Zuza
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Join us on June 20th for a day of FUN golf at the Red Rooster on Route 22. Music, celebrities and mini golf.
Red Rooster Open Gary Zuza 0

Looking for a few good coats!

Posted by Gary Zuza
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 Putnam CAP has started it annual coat drive looking for donated coats to be distributed to the nn\eedy of our community. Please drop off any unneeded jsut cleaned coats on hangars please to thier office at 121 Main St. in Brewster. Thanks in advance for your help.
Looking for a few good coats! Gary Zuza 0

Our newest member

Posted by Gary Zuza
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 Jenny Hinsman is inducted by our president and her sponsors Chris and Rolo.
Our newest member Gary Zuza 0

Paula Deninger speaks about Suicide Awareness

Posted by Gary Zuza
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 We had Paula Deninger from the Southern Dutchess Rotary Club come and speak this week.  She is coordinating a fundraiser/walk in the Hamlet of Carmel for .  It was a very moving and informative speech.  Paula answered many questions and supplied the club with an opportunity to sponsor or donate to a worthy cause.
Paula Deninger speaks about Suicide Awareness Gary Zuza 0


Posted by Gary Zuza
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Brewster Rotary way back when..........
1963 Gary Zuza 0