Sleep Better, Perform Bettter
May 10, 2018 7:00 AM
Mark Reagan
Sleep Better, Perform Bettter

This interactive and humorous presentation is for any member or guest who thinks they are an insomniac or is chronically tired because of sleep issues. 
Mark Reagon is a sleep consultant.  His job is to teach people how to get to sleep and stay asleep. This presentation will show you:

  • What lost sleep is costing you and how most people are sleep deprived even if they don’t realize it. 
  • How to create good habits that’ll help you start getting the sleep you need to be at your most productive… and not just on the weekend.
  • Several easy mental techniques to relax and sleep at night both at home or on the road.

Mark will ask for volunteers that have sleep problems to prove his points and teach his techniques. He promises that the only one who can sleep through is presentation will be the volunteer!


The U.S. economy alone loses 411 billion dollars a year in productivity and 1.12 million working days.

  • When you, your employees, and your coworkers don’t sleep well, it costs you big time.
  • Tired employees get sick more easily from an affected immune system, have higher chances of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and their life expectancy is lower than someone who sleeps well.
  • To make matters worse, if you’re tired it’s easy to make mistakes. This could be a small mistake such as sending an email or bill to the wrong client.
  • Minor mistakes cost you time and can lead to embarrassment. Catastrophic mistakes can cost you and your company millions of dollars.
  • The Exxon Valdez oil spill was caused by a sleep-deprived employee. The ship’s crew worked a 22-hour shift loading the oil onto the ship. As they got underway, piloting the ship was 3rd mate Gregory Cousins. With only a short nap in the last 16 hours, he allegedly fell asleep at the helm, and the rest is history.  The resulting litigation and clean up costs for the spill totaled more than 7 billion dollars.
  • The US Navy confirmed that the two ship collisions in the Pacific Ocean in 2017, resulting in the deaths of numerous sailors, were a result of a lack of sleep. 

Sleep deprivation hurts your bottom line.

  • 60% of Americans say they experience problems with their sleep almost every night.

To make it worse, most people who are sleep deprived don’t think they are.

  • If you get 6 hours (or less) of sleep a night and think you’re fine, you’re hurting your performance and productivity without even realizing it. 
  • Have you ever seen someone who was drunk, but the drunk person thought they were fine? It’s the same thing.
  • A lack of sleep is a lot like being drunk: you make more mistakes, your decision making is impaired, and you’re easily distracted.
  • Many people think they can sleep poorly during the week and “catch up” on it during the weekend. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. To perform at your best, you need to sleep well consistently, not just 1 or 2 nights a week. 

If you get regular nights of quality sleep, you will perform better. 
When sleep equals productivity, a well-rested workforce is a productive workforce.


Mark will be introduced by Tim Hartwig
Mark's Contact Information
Cell: 720-382-0223