President Elect Richard Spingarn offered a second intro. to Club Runner and reminded us how to log-in and what we can find at our club's new website. It is easy as ABC...

Here are your first steps:

A) Type in our club's complete web address:

B) Log into your member/user account:

  1. Press the "LOGIN" word at the top of the page
  2. Type in your "login" name, it should be your FULL NAME with no spaces, or as you have registered in our club plus 2079 at the end... e.g. JoeJohnson2079
  3. Type in your "password", which should be given to you by our club secretary
  4. If you do not know your password, type in your full name and then your full e-mail address (where you're receiving your newsletter and club emails)
  5. Your "password code" should arrive to you in an email. Watch for it.
  6. Repeat steps 1-3.
  7. You will enter and see 8 small windows, out of which you only have access to one called "My ClubRunner".
  8. Register a new password by selecting "change my password"and follow the steps (do this only once).

C) To check if your profile information is correct:

  1. Make sure we have your correct data by pressing "view club directory" and then pressing your name. If there are any changes, please do not use the"edit my profile"feature but contact our club secretary and send the changes to her. She needs to do it & update our TWO Rotary International rosters!

D) To find out contact information about other club members:

  1. Press "club directory" or press "club photo directory"

E) To download a picture of you on to our club directory:

  1. Press "upload my photo"
  2. Press "browse" and the browser will enter your computer files
  3. Choose a photo from your files and "save"

Note: To go back and forth from the home page to the administrative page just press "admin" on top of the page or "home".

F) Please remember that access to other members information is private and only for members of our club. Remember the 4-Way Test.

G) Our Home Page also has various information open to the public and members, such as:

  • List of "Upcoming Events"
  • List of upcoming "speakers"
  • List of "photo journals" from various club activities
  • List of Rotary links, Club links and recommended sites
  • List of interesting Rotary-related stories when pressing "stories" at the top
  • List of Board of Directors and if you press their names, a way to email them
  • List of various information in the center of the page
  • Access to our recent newsletter when pressing text "view club bulletin"
  • Directions on how to get to our club when pressing "map"

Hope this helps!

Remember to check with Dale Flinn, Richard Spingarn or Lizette Odfalk if you have any questions!