January 21, 2025
Rotary Club of Arden Arcade
Lunch Meeting
Tom Goode Substituting for President Christine Jensen
Past President Thomas Goode, opened the meeting
by ringing the bell and welcoming everyone
to the Rotary Club of Arden Arcade.
He explained that Prez Jensen was ill and
he was called at the last minute and
did not have time to create his
popular test questions
for the members...
Pledge: Matt Ross
The Substitute Prez asked President Elect Matt Ross to lead the pledge to our flag. He then asked Joe Green to provide the thought of the day.
The Prez noted that he did not have the computer to project the 4-Way Test on the screen.  Big Al duly noted that the screen was not needed and that the club could recite it without the visual aid... and he was right. 
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Thought of the day: Joe Green
Visitors and Guests
Guest - Jason Borg
PP Goode informed the club that Past President Jason Borg has decided to rejoin the club, but is still technically a guest.  Jason's business moved away taking him with it.  Recently his business moved back to Arden arcade and soo0... He's Baaack! The club board voted to reactivate his membership and will rebadge him upon Christine's return. Everyone was pleased to welcome Jason back to the club.
Guest Speaker - Zach Swithenbank (The short guy)
Student and Rugby Player - Epeli Vuki (The tall guy)
PP Goode briefly introduction our guest speaker, Coach Zach Swithenbank.  He is here from American River JC to talk about their rugby program, later in the program.  Zach brought one of his star players, Epeli Vuki as proof he has players.
Lisa Asperger - Bell Ringer
Lisa announced that she just returned from her effort to stimulate the economy of the British Virgin Islands.   She was happy to share that she stayed in a city on an island that was warm, lovely and had the best food.  The next time you see Lisa ask her where she stayed, as this reported could not discern the name of the city.  She also noted that returning to Sacramento, and the cold weather, was her least favorite part of the trip.
Duane Oliviera -Sergeant at Arms
Duane, seeing that Al Cady was not present, and being seated nearest the perpetual Sergeant at arms chair, voluntarily stepped up to fill the shoes of the transient, Al Cady.  Al is purportedly driving his truck and a 32' long trailer through the southern portion of the USA.  Al is enjoying snow, icy roads and long BS sessions with his fellow traveling truck drivers in the local greasy spoon cafes... the best vacation ever!
Bruce Stimson - Sad Bell Ringer
Bruce Stimson, being true to his word, standing tall in light of  #7 Notre Dame's 34-23 loss to #8 Ohio State, "the best team money can buy"  explained that the Irish won 3 quarters, 1st, 3rd and 4th.  Unfortunately, there are 4 quarters, and the second one did them in.  Bruce is donating $25 for each quarter they won and $25 for a great season, to make it a true Bell Ringer.
Joe Green - Bell Ringer
Joe was contributing Happy Bucks to celebrate his daughter's first experience of a -49 degree day in North Dakota.  Joe says she was all smiles last night, an expression that should soon change, once her face warms up. Originally, Joe was donating Happy Bucks, but he remembered that his daughter, Calib, was just awarded a scholarship to the University of Utah, so he made it a Bell Ringer.
That's a Fine way to treat our District Governor
Our District Governor, Steve Turner, with his full schedule and many obligations and responsibilities, arrived a wee bit late to our club meeting.  One would think that he, of all people, should be cut some slack.  But no, not on PP Goode's watch... rank has no privilege in his eyes. So, PP Tom asked the Governor what year the very successful club poker tournament started. The Gov said 2009.  The correct answer was 2010, and so, he was fined $5 for playing our tardy member game, and losing...
PP Goode asked for a show of hands for those that were not wearing their badges, one hand went up.  He then asked for those that were not wearing their pins and three hands went up.  After some discussion about quizzes and not being prepared, he just decided to fine all offenders $2.
1st OFF-SITE LUNCH for 2025
January 28, 2025 @ 12:00 PM
Lunch at Cantina Pedregal
185 Placerville Rd., Folsom
There is no extra cost for club members.
Guests and Prospective Club Members - $50
If you have not signed up, contact President Jensen to ensure space
is available, as attendance is limited to 50 people.
Guest Speaker: Clay Nutting
Catina Pedregal is the sister restaurant of Cannon where we have been on a couple of occasions.  Catina Pedregal is the lovechild of Cannon and Nixtaco, both restaurants are Michelin award winners. 
High School Speech Contest - February 4, 2025
Bruce Stimson provided the club with a quick update on the speech contest to be conducted at our February 4th lunch meeting.  He has confirmed one student and anticipates up to five students from the various schools in the community. The Magic of Service is the topic for the speech.
Charter Night - February 21, 2025
Debbie Hudson reported that all things are go for a great Charter Night on February 21st at Del Paso Country Club. The dinner options are Prime Rib, Salmon and Risotto.  Club members attend at no cost.  A cost for guests will be determined soon. The speaker will be the Past Rotary International Director, ?Kevin Boyd?  He will be speaking on Rotary, 70 years Past and Present.  We are attempting to resurrect one of the old-time presidents to speak about the "Good-Old-Days" of the club.
2025 Poker Tournament
Rob Olmstead was asked to share a bit about the upcoming poker tournament on March 22nd.  He shared that there is a poker Tournament meeting on February 11th and all those interested are welcome to attend the meeting. Sponsorships are well in hand.  What we need are players.  Sponsors need to get their player's names in ASAP.  Club members need to press their friends, neighbors in laws, out laws, people walking on the street, to come play.  You do not need to know how to play.  Many novice players have done well.  Actually, knowledge may be a hinderance, if the past is any indicator of future performance.  The registration fee is $150 and it includes all the food for the evening and a welcome cocktail. The final nine players will win a nice prize.  There is also a spirit and whiskey raffle. Tickets are $25 each to win a $2,500
each to win a $2,500 oak barrel-half filled with top shelf spirits. We will have entertainment for those that are not playing poker, spectators and those that get knocked out of the tournament early will have the opportunity to play blackjack. You play with drink tickets and you can win more drink tickets.  Drink tickets can be traded in for raffle tickets. Go to the new and improved website for tickets and sponsorships.
District Conference
DG Steve was asked to provide information on the upcoming district Conference.  He noted that the conference is on April 12th and everyone is encouraged to register for the great day of training and information.  He expressed his gratitude to all of the members that have been working hard to make the event a success, especially Al Frumkin and Chris Lewis.  He suggests flying in early Saturday morning in time to attend the Disneyland training institute followed by the conference.  Spend the night and then enjoy Disneyland the next day.  He said a bunch of other stuff that everyone has heard several times and will not be included in this edition.  Everyone is encouraged to register and attend because it will be a great event and you will be glad you did... if that is not enough, do it to support our Governor.
International Conference
June 24 to 26, 2025 in Calgary Canada.   Steve asked Linda if she has been to the Calgary Stampede.  She indicated she has.  Steve then asked if the courts have allowed her to return.  Linda stated that they practice "Catch and Release."  Steve offered up $5 for Linda's reply. Going to the Calgary Conference comes with a warning, a past participant came back engaged.  This could be problematic for our married members...  
Lick'em and Stick'em Party
Bill reminded the club that the sticker party, to affix stickers to the inside cover of 650 dictionaries, starts at 5:30 on January 30th at Rob Olmstead's, (1636 Copenhagen way, Carmichael)... don't tell his wife, it's a surprise.  There will be food. This is the time when all good Rotarians come together to collectively break their dry January vows... and so darn close to the finish line.  Wine and other alcoholic beverages will be available to help keep your tongues moist and senses numb enough to lick your fair share of stickers.  Some members may opt for sponges and other mechanical means of applying moisture to the stickers, but the hard-score participants go with tongue and vodka tonic. The secret word is tongue.
Lisa Asperger - Lovechild
January 14th Word -
January 7th word -
Both won nothing for their attention to the newsletter
Linda Bigler - Borg
Joe Green, Introduces Zach Swithenbank and Epeli Vuki
Coach, Zach Swithenbank
Coach, Zach Swithenbank
and Rugby Player, Epeli Vuki
Joe Green was introduced to the American River Rugby team by Big Frank, a Fijian friend of his daughter's from El Camino High School.  Frank called him and told him that the ARC Rugby team was in need of sponsors. Pit Boss Jerky is proudly displayed on the left sleeve of their jerseys as seen above. ARC Rugby hosts Stanford this Saturday at 2:00 pm and Joe is bringing his trailer to the game to sell meats and sandwiches to raise funds for the team.  Once you hear Coach Zach tell you about the success of their inaugural year, you will want to go see the game.  Anything you can do to help support this team will be appreciated.  He then introduced Coach Zach.
Coach Zach is a businessman.  He has worked for Hewlett Packard and then starting real estate and development company, and marketing companies.   He continues with those companies today. He and his wife made a commitment to dedicate a portion of their income to giving back to the community through one charity at a time, with a three-year minimum commitment.  They have worked with the 20/30 club, CASA - Court Appointed Child Advocates program, Red Cross and many children's charities.  He started a baseball academy during covid as it provided a way to work out while maintaining social distancing.  Once his kids graduated high school, he thought about just kicking back and quit coaching.  His wife convinced him he would be happier as a coach and encouraged him to go back to coaching college sports. 
His son decided to leave baseball and take up Rugby.  Zach knew nothing about Rugby, never played it. He went to Europe and trained under some good coaches. Worked with some of the oldest rugby clubs in the world.  He wanted to help support his son the best way possible.  Rugby is now his favorite sport he has ever come across.   
He was asked to help coach football at ARC.  He accepted but only if he could start up a rugby club.  The ARC director reluctantly agreed. Zach predicted that this will absolutely redefine sports in our area. Within four months he had a division 1 rugby program with the help of a Sac State Coach. This was despite the objections from every four-year college not wanting a two-year college playing Division 1. They reasoned there was no upside to it for them. If they beat ARC they were expected to and it would not be a win.  If they loss to ARC it would be a major defeat.  Zach convinced the colleges it was not about him, but the students, and what it would mean to them.  He met with every coach in every college and told them he had 100 kids in the Sacramento area that needed direction and this would give them a path in life.  This could change lives.  They let him in on a probationary period.  Zach went to work talking with each family and convincing them that this was going to change their so's life and that it was a good thing.  Many parents plainly stated their son was not cut out for college but ultimately changed their minds and gave Zach a chance to prove them wrong.  
They started off with 20 players and played Sac State their first game and won.  They went on to play Stanford and won.  They ended up winning their league in their first season.  They went to the Western Regionals and are now ranked 5th in the nation.  Three of their players have gone on with full ride scholarships to other colleges.
They hope to have an even better year this year but the biggest challenge is funding as they do not receive any funding from the college.  That is why he is taking their story to the community, to help raise the funds necessary to cover expenses.  Only a handful of the players can afford to play, the others can't pay their way. Some are young parents, some help their parents monetarily, most have jobs that barely cover their own living expenses. Zach donates his football coaching salary to the rugby program to help meet expenses.  Other coaches are doing the same.  There are a handful of companies that help out but they are still far from their goal of receiving enough funds to help them make it to all the national games a playoff team needs to play.   
Big Al asked "What is the difference between rugby and soccer?"  It may have been our District Governor that answered... "Ruby is a sport!" Zach, oblivious to the ongoing discussion about the status of different activities and their classification as to their value to society and whether or not it fits the true definition of a sport, went on to define rugby as a cross between football and soccer.  The game flows and has strategy similar to soccer with the physicality of football, only without pads and helmets.  Because they don't wear helmets the players are more careful about how they tackle.  They can't tackle above the chest or from behind and don't tackle low out of fear they will get a knee to the head.  This makes rugby the sport with the fewest injuries.
One of the benefits the players get from being with ARC is they are playing against colleges that end up wanting to give the ARC players scholarships. Many of the ARC players have gotten full-ride scholarships from other colleges. Rob Olmstead informed Zach that our club sponsors ARC with scholarships and one is in the area of sports. Zach introduced one of his rugby players Epeli, who attested to the benefits of the program.
Zach states that "legacy is everything." you can define your legacy and they are doing that with the rugby program at ARC. He teaches positivity in sports and life and challenges his players to build their own legacy.  The reason he started this program was to change lives, winning is just a byproduct.  Coach Zach has made a 5-to-7-year commitment to this program to ensure that it will continue on once he moves on and that the program continues to change lives and the direction of sports in the Sacramento region.
Substitute President Goode thanked Zach and his player, Epeli, for coming and sharing their inspirational presentation.  He then closed the meeting by reminding everyone of the off-site meeting next week.  He then rang the bell, ending the meeting at 1:04 PM.
Respectfully (more or less) submitted by,
Mike Grace
Reporter, Photographer and Editor 
Hellen Weight
Ombudsman and Content Supervisor
DISCLAIMER - Some of the information provided in some of the articles, and possibly included in some of the "quotes" from club members, may have been a fabrication of a demented mind.   It is up to you to determine fact from fiction.  Individuals objecting to all or any part herein, are encouraged to go to Hellen Weight to lodge a formal complaint.
Club Information
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
571 Pavilions Lane
Arden-Arcade, CA 95825
United States of America
(916) 801-7090
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