December 17, 2024
Rotary Club of Arden Arcade
Lunch Meeting
President Christine Jensen
Club President, Christine Jensen, opened the meeting
by ringing the bell and welcoming everyone to
the Mighty Rotary Club of Arden Arcade. 
Pledge: Chris Lewis
The Prez asked Chris Lewis to lead the pledge to our flag.
She then led everyone in the recitation of the 4-Way Test:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
She then asked Al Frumkin to provide the invocation.
Invocation: Al Frumkin
Visitors and Guests
Guest - Linda Vogel
Roy Vogel had the pleasure of introducing his lovely wife,Linda. It is always a pleasure to have Linda join us for lunch.
Guest - Chris Figueroa
Matt Ross was a bit unsure of the status of his "guest."  He was fairly certain that Chris Figueroa's membership application was still pending, howerve, he appears in the brand new, wonderfully crafted, larger, and new-and-improved, Blue Book.  Therefore, the reason for his confusion.  He introduced Chris as a guest, just in case.
Guest - Harlan Jensen
District Governor Steve Turner, introduced a very special guest, near and dear to the heart of President Christine Jensen, her father, Harlan Jensen.
Guest - Mike Jensen
District Governor Steve Turner, then introduced Christine's brother, Mike Jensen.  It is good to have Mike and Harlan back with the club.  Both are very proud family members.
Thanks to Harlan and Mike Jensen,
we have our club trailer with all of the club meeting paraphernalia,
available for our meeting today.
What Happened to the Eggnog?
According to District Governor Turner... the lack of eggnog at the meeting had nothing to do with a laps in communications with Piatti's management... it was entirely due to the bird flu, and the unfortunate demise of hundreds of thousands of chickens, resulting in eggnog scarcity.  In lieu of eggnog, members were treated to libations of their choice... and billed to Steve's account. DG Turner provided the caveat that this was advance payment for all of the potential challenge-coin challenges in 2025. 
Please note: the editor checked with our legal counsel, Dewy, Cheatum, and How, and it has been determined that the members who refrained from placing drink orders were not under any contractual obligations to refrain from engaging DG Turner in future challenge-coin challenges.
Bob Mutchler - Bell Ringer x 10

Bob noted that he is ringing the bell as he has been remis in his attendance for quite some time.  For this he is donating $100 for himself, $100 for Patty (his wife), $100 for buying a new car, $100 for losing his lifetime's favorite car, and $600 to Polio Plus for a total of $1,000.
Bruce Stimson - Bell Ringer x 1
Bruce would love to be a 10-time Bell Ringer but his wife balances his checkbook and he would like to make it to his 49th wedding anniversary. So, Bruce settled for ringing the bell, one time, in honor of his 74th birthday on Sunday, December 15th... and the prospect of celebrating his 75th birthday next year.
Matt Ross - Happy Bucks
Matt is Happy because his daughter just finished her first semester in college and is helping her friend move to Chicago.  "On their way there, they stopped at Lincoln Nebraska to check out a little volleyball tournament.  Now, while some may not think volleyball is a sport, having 10,000 people packed into an arena to watch the games, sounds like a sport."
Editor's note: Please consider it was Lincoln, Nebraska, where the top five attractions are the 1. Museum of American Speed, 2. Sunken Gardens, 3. Nebraska State Capitol, 4. Lincoln's Children's Zoo,
5. International Quilting Museum.  And, for the very adventurous... they have the Lincoln Scavenger Hunt by Zombie Scavengers.  Additionally, it is cheaper to go to a stadium to watch anything, than it is to heat your own home during their winters.  Also, attendance at the International Farm Tractor event brings in over 100,000 people and that does not make it a sport.  The secret word is Zombie.
Debbie Hudson - Happy Bucks
Debbie was away last week but did attend, and loved, the Christmas party. Great job! She enjoyed time with friends in Idaho and because of the newsletter, she felt like she had attended the meeting. 
Chris Lewis - Sad Bucks
Chris was sad because his dog failed to do his dooty outside and found it much more convenient to do it upstairs.  The punishment for this was a timeout in the garage.  Unfortunately, the dog was not on board with this and sought a meaningful way of lodging his disfavor by sneaking in and unwrapping and chewing all the presents.  Chris is considering renaming the dog "Grinch."
New and Improved Blue Books
President Jensen thanked John Gabriel for completing the upscale Blue Books, for the more senior members of the club that still have not learned how to navigate the Rotary ClubRunner App.  It is complete with everything a new member might want to know as well as information that might make some of the old-times say "I didn't know that!"  Big thanks to all the sponsors that advertised, the advertising revenue helped make the new book, bigger and better.  This book is intended to be a living reference tool and will be updated at least once a year.  Keep it safe and read it often. You will be tested on its contents.
It's Dictionary Time Again!
Debbie Hudson shared that Bill Hambrick is in the process of ordering 650 Dictionaries for distribution this year to third grade students in our community.  However, our normal repository for the books, Al's Lumber and Storage Shop, is out of business until such time as the proprietor, Al, returns from his pilgrimage to Canada. We need a place for them to be delivered and stored until we bestow them on the bright shining, eager, faces of the impressionable 3rd graders.  It was at this point that Rotarian, Rob Olmstead, seeing the need and fully understanding the dilemma Bill and Debbie found themselves in, volunteered his garage.  His only request was that no one tell Vanessa before they arrive.  He then volunteered his wife to serve wine at the sticker party.  President Christine highly recommends attending the sticker party where the stickers and books are just an excuse to socialize and drink wine... like anyone needs an excuse to do that.
Lisa Asperger
Last Week's Word - Penelope
Linda won beer last time and an I. O. U. this time
Blue Book Quiz of the Week
How many advertisers do we have to thank for helping support the
printing of the new and improved, King-sized edition of the extra-blue, Blue Book? 
It is time to pay up!
All members owing for the Blue Book advertising and the Christmas Party tickets, please connect with Jenny Davini ASAP, to settle up. 
President Christine noted that our guest speaker needed no introduction...
so, she didn't give him one. 
The man,
The myth,
The legend!
Our club is honored to have Steve Turner represent our club as District Governor. 
He is first DG since the 1990's when Robert Watson was the DG.
(A fact not included in the new Blue Book.)
This is an official District Governor meeting, one of many the DG does each year, visiting all of the club in his district.  During these meeting the DG provides an overview and updates of Rotary International as well as what is going on in our district, 5180.  The following are the highlights of the impressive information provided by DG Steve.
Rotary International
This year's RI President is Stephanie Urchick, as seen below.
Stephanie is no different than any other member.  She belongs to a club just like all of us.  She is a member of a club in Pennsylvania and is very involved, and is willing to help as needed.  She has been a District Governor and a member of the Rotary International board. 
Presidents move to Chicago the year prior to being president, and stay through their presidential commitment. Stephanie's theme this year is the Magic of Rotary. Rotary puts a little magic in every project and enables others to make a difference in this world. 
Our club is working with three other clubs to install AEDs all over our community.  This is the largest district grant we have done in the past 20 years.  This grant will effect many lives and is our money coming back to our community.  The money we send to RI sits in an account for three years and builds up interest.  It is the interest that pays for Rotary International's overhead and expenses.  After three years the money we sent RI goes to programs, some in our community and some in countries around the world. 
President Stephanie has two major missions she is dealing with this year. 
  • First, helping Rotary evolve in attracting new members. Membership is the #1 issue in the USA today. Our club has done a great job of diversifying its membership due to our member friendly programs.  There are not many clubs in the country that are doing as well as we are in bridging the generational gap. Each generation has a way of making their own mark in Rotary.  Paul Harris, and the greatest generation, started off bettering the community by providing public restrooms for the community.  The hippie generation attacked polio.  Who knows what the millennials will attack next? Our responsibility is to help them change the world through Rotary.
  • Second, Peace in the World.  More information about some of the things Rotary is doing regarding peace issue will be coming later in the year.  We are doing what we can to help accomplish her agenda.  
Polio Plus Update
  • There are 84 wild polio cases this year.  A major jump from last year's 23 cases. There were 25 cases in Afghanistan and 59 in Pakistan. 
  • The first country we addressed Polio in was the Philippians as it was geographically contained.  The people spoke English and were agreeable to rotary and the government's efforts to help their people keep from contracting the disease.
  • Rotary is attempting to generate the same favorable conditions in Afghanistan and Pakistan, to help finish the job of eradication of polio in those countries.  The cultural norms and predilection against western ways and medication are being addressed by their own Rotarian countrymen.
  • Our District last year was the #1 world-wide per capita contributor to Polio Plus.  This is due in part to the effort of Joe Scheimer and Bob Mutchler.
  • The Bill Gates Foundation matches every $1 Rotary uses with $2 from their foundation.
What will Rotary do once Polio is eradicated?
  • No one knows for sure, but our DG thinks wit will have to do with providing clean water to all who need it.
These are the goals for District 5180, as set by DG Turner
What are we doing in our community?
  • Poker Tournament, we have been doing this for 14 years and missed only one year due to covid.  Rob Olmstead's efforts to get the California Governor to delay Covid restrictions by one week allow the tournament to go on in 2020.
  • We net $.75 for every dollar the event brings in.  The money made all goes back into our community.
  • The Annual Golf Tournament is a great event that helps fund our mission to the community, thanks to John Gabriel.
  • Laurell Ruff Holiday Party is service to a needy student population and fun for our members.  Matt Ross has really taken that on and made it a great part of our year.  
  • AEDs are a $34,500 investment in our community.
  • Rotary Van and Project Lifelong.  The van has been all over California and Nevada. It has been eight years and the benefits of the van keep on coming.   The kids that first used the van for skateboarding excursions are now giving back to their communities.
  • The 15-passenger van was sold to Flying Samaritans in Baja Mexico for $12,000.  The proceeds of the van will go towards purchasing a 12-passenger van that will address the new vehicle restrictions for use by parks and other groups
Kudos Coming!
The District Governor awarded his Governor's Pin to the following three individuals:
John Gabriel
  • Past President
  • Annual President Elect Dinner
  • Working with the youth in the community
  • Annual Golf Tournament
  • New and Improved Blue Books
Debbie Hudson
  • For excellent discernment abilities, selecting our club after conducting in-depth studies of other clubs
  • Hit the ground running after becoming a member
  • Club Board Member
Rolundia Mitchell
  • Hit the ground running after becoming a member
  • Attended the Peace event and winning a bet with DG Steve
  • Club Ambassador to foreign countries
District Membership Campaign
  • The decline in membership is the BIG issue throughout the U.S.A. Membership is rising in the rest of the world. Rotary is growing the fastest in India.  Our district has experienced a 22-23% drop over last year.  We are making a big investment in a district-wide, public image, membership initiative. 
  • Our Club is committed to being a leader in this initiative.  Tom Goode is the chair for this membership drive. 
  • This is a three year, club managed, professional PR run campaign.
  • Our district Runs from Oroville to the Delta. Almost the same size as our media market. 
  • All forms of media will be utilized. Clubs will be given new meeting site signs with a consistent format and a QR code to help the public access our website via the District's customized landing page for each club, managed by the district and will provide:
    • Basic Club information
    • A professionally produced, 60 second video, talking about the individual club.
    • A link to club's Website,  Facebook page, etc. or any other location the club deems appropriate.
  • This effort will be run by a committee, including Arden Arcade, Roseville, Marysville, Folsom, Point West, Foothill, American River, Sacramento and Elk Grove. 
  • This effort is being supported by District, $40,000, Clubs, $3,000 each, over the next three years, and Rotary Zone funding, $3,000.  Totaling $76,000
  • The district will provide oversight to make sure all things are done correctly.
​​​​​​​Peace Building Efforts
  • Rotary Helped charter the United Nations
  • Rotary has a seat at the United Nations
  • Rotary has a seat on all of the major committees
  • Every year on September 21st is the United Nations Day of Peace
  • Our District held a day of peace celebration at Cal Expo
  • We have a District Peace Committee. 
  • We have a two-day Peace conference in Roanoke Park this next year with international speakers. 
  • International Peace Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, February 20-22, 2025.  The newest Rotary Peace Center will be established there, the ninth Peace Center to date.  These centers train individuals how to be peace builders.
Local Events
  • District Conference, Disneyland, Saturday, April 12, 2025 - A one day event. This is being co-sponsor with District 5300 in Southern Nevada/California. We need to support our District Governor and attend this meeting. A special leadership training at 9:30 am on Saturday, put on by Disney, is included in the registration fee.  Friday evening the drinks are on DG Steve. Go to for more information.
Merry Christmas to our Superior, Diligent Server, Liza
The club passed the hat top thank our server, Liza
for a wonderful year of service to us. 
We thanked her and wished her
and her family a Merry Christmas.
The Prez thanked everyone for attending and she the encouraged everyone to go share the magic of Rotary and rang the bell, closing the meeting at 1:05 pm. 
Respectfully (more or less) submitted by,
Mike Grace
P.S. DISCLAIMER - Some of the information provided in some of the articles, and possibly included in some of the "quotes" from club members, may have been a fabrication of a demented mind.   It is up to you to determine fact from fiction.  Individuals objecting to all or any part herein, are encouraged to go to Hellen Weight to lodge a formal complaint.
Club Information
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
571 Pavilions Lane
Arden-Arcade, CA 95825
United States of America
(916) 801-7090
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Bulletin Editor
Michael Grace
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