December 10, 2024
Rotary Club of Arden Arcade
Lunch Meeting
President Christine Jensen
Club President, Christine Jensen, opened the meeting
by ringing the bell and welcoming everyone to
the Mighty Rotary Club of Arden Arcade. 
Pledge: Rolundia Mitchell
The Prez asked Rolundia Mitchell to lead the pledge to our flag.
She then led everyone in the recitation of the 4-Way Test:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
She then asked Tom Good to provide the invocation.
Invocation: Tom Goode
Visitors and Guests
Visiting Rotarian - Sherie Tobin
Bruce Stimson had the pleasure of introducing a long-time friend from the Rotary Club of El Dorado Hills, Sherie Tobin.
Guest - Leana Aston
Bruce then introduced Leana Aston, a guest brought to the meeting by Sherie Tobin, to see what Rotary is all about.
Guest - Chris Figueroa
Big Al Frumkin had the great pleasure of introducing Chris Figueroa for the very last time as a guest as Chris has put in an application for membership to our club.
Tom Goode - Bell Ringer

Tom rang the bell, noting that he had been gone for the past three months. It was at this point that a member of this club, who shall remain nameless, but occupies the position of Sergeant-at-arms, interrupted saying "we hadn't noticed."  Now... is this any way to welcome back a beloved member of the club, that took time off from our meetings to leave this country to be with his wife in a foreign land, to welcome their newest family member, Penelope, into the world????...  Yeah, that sounds about right.  Tom went on to say that he was glad to be back and that he is now a member of a family of four. He noted that Penelope is a happy healthy baby that likes to do all the
things that very young babies do at this stage, eat, sleep, cry and poop and not necessarily in that order. They are happy to be back, and are getting their "normal" routine back in order. The secret word is Penelope.
Matt Ross - Bell Ringer
Matt rang the bell in honor of all the club members that reached out to him to share condolences regarding the passing of his mother just before Thanksgiving.  It has been very comforting.  He also shared how much it meant to him for the club to show up at Laurell Ruff for the holiday party... especially Duane, who did an awesome job as Santa and for volunteering to do it again next year.
Duane Oliveira - Bell Ringer
Duane started off by saying "Ho, ho, ho!"  He then noted that he was "glad he was not the only person gone for the past three months. Way to go Tom." Tom asked Duane if he had a baby too? to which Duane replied "I hope not."  Duane noted that he has been gone the whole football season and as is his custom, he likes to contribute $25 for each Cal victory.  Cal ended up the season 6 and 6.  This means Duane owes $150.  He is going to be a bell ringer and a Happy-bucker.  He then droned on about how they should have won more games because they were so close and the refs suck and the weather was not in their favor and the ball was too slippery and other nonsense... but in the end the
important thing was that, the club is getting $150.  Even with only six victories they are going to the "Better-luck-next-time" Bowl.  Duane was hoping that Michael Caplan was going to be at the meeting so he could hear just how Michael Caplan would express his satisfaction and pride over the 12 and 0 season that Oregon had this year.  Duane did offer a sincere, heartfelt, congratulations to Michael for the successful season and  for all the hard work he put into helping Oregon win this year.
Al Cady - Bell Ringer
Al rang the bell and explained that he was hanging out with a few of Les' friend at the holiday party and he sold two of his redwood benches at St. Johns.  For this, he is ringing the bell and sending his money to Rotary International, Polio Plus.
Duane Oliveira - Happy Bucks
Ho, ho, ho... see the above Bell Ringer...
$50 going to the club this time.
DG Steve Turner - Happy Bucks
DG Steve is giving Happy Bucks in honor of Al Cady.  Steve explained that his trip to India with Rotoplast did not happen due to his need to be at his daughter's Father-Daughter dance scheduled for the same time.  We still supported the India trip.   Al Cady, plus two other drivers, transported all the participants, and their luggage, for Rotoplast to the SF airport.  They all went above and beyond service above self.  Steve was looking for a driver to help pick them up from the airport this (last) Friday.
Carroll Cook - Happy/Sad Bucks
Carroll was sad because he missed the Rotary Holiday party, the first one missed in many years, maybe decades.  But he had a good reason as he was getting a heart monitor.  The heart monitor helped Carroll not miss a beat and he and Rolundia picked up 112 coats from Macy's to be delivered to Dyer Kelly elementary school.  They are both going back next week to hand them out.
Bill Hambrick - Happy Bucks
Bill was happy to report that they had another successful California International Marathon.  They had a great day, wonderful weather.  The course records for both the men's and women's divisions were broken.  The winner of the androgynous division was undecided. It was a great day for running.
Tom Goode - Happy Bucks
Tom is happy to finally be able to fulfill some of the duties he is responsible for as the District Membership Chair.  a couple of months late, but better late than never. He promised the DG, sitting right nest to him, that he will be timelier going forward.
Todd Eichman - Happy Bucks
Tod is happy to report that he had an amazing trip to Japan for two weeks with his wife, Marie, and his dad.  They had a wonderful time visiting many cities. He donated $20 for each week of vacation. 
Les Gudger - Happy Buck
Les is a long-time member of the club that shows up when his work allows him time away.  He is known for his propensity to secure the gavel from being stolen, keeping it safe on behalf of the club.  Les is not adequately appreciated for all the efforts he expends on behalf of keeping the gavel safe from marauding members of neighboring Rotarian clubs.  Once again, Les saved another gavel from being misappropriated by unsavory beings and he wanted to let the club know that he had the gavel in his possession for safe-keeping, and offered it back to the club, providing it be given a higher level of security than in which he found it.  Tod ratted Les out saying that Les
had tried to hand the gavel to him for safe keeping but he declined to be a party to the crime.  Les offered up the value of the gavel, he figured $1, in honor of his valiant efforts to protect the gavel.  Al Cady stated that the gavel is worth $250.  Less retracted his statement and then proceeded to throw Todd under the bus.  President Jensen stepped in with the 4-Way test and said donate what is FAIR and BENEFICIAL to all concerned.
Laurell Ruff Holiday Party
President Jensen thanked Matt Ross for the wonderful event that he put together for the students at the Laurell Ruff Transitional School.  It was a well-done event and everyone had a great time, especially Santa, because he wants to come back and do it all over again next year.
Rotary Club Holiday Party
She also thanked Lisa Asperger for all her efforts to put on a great holiday party.  It was a blast and everyone had a great time.  The Prez wanted all those that RSVP'd for the event to know that the club paid for their meal regardless of their attending or not.  Please keep the 4-way test in mind when considering making payments for the event commitment you made.
Lisa Asperger
Last Week's Word - Santa
Linda won beer
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Debbie Hudson
December 1
Rolundia Mitchell
December 2
Steve Turner
December 12
Bruce Stimson
December 15
Join Date
Jonathan Kozycz
December 7, 2011
13 years
Jenny Davini
December 15, 2016
8 years
Rolundia Mitchell - International Club Ambassador
Rolundia was pleased to be able to share highlights from her trip to Singapore where she was able to attend a Rotary Club of Marina City meeting.  She noted that the members were "quite nice... nicer than you guys." This of course elicited a somewhat negative response from the collective "you guys." She attended the meeting on Thanksgiving Day.  Two American expatriates provided the club with the background on the American holiday.  The club meets in the Hotel Conrad, a very nice hotel.  They conduct their meetings a bit differently and we may or may not want to incorporate some of them:
  1. Upon entering they have really nice badges that are easy to put on your clothes.
  2. They only have two choices for lunch, vegetarian or a meat item. 
  3. They have a lot of visiting Rotarians, so they have lots of flags to share from the clubs that have been there. 
  4. Fresh flowers on the tables
  5. Three course meals. (two of the courses were sub-par)
  6. No beverages, just water with the meal.
  7. Tea and coffee were available with the desert.
  8. They were very playful and casual, starting their meeting very late... they need an Al Cady.
  9. No pledge or invocation, just a water toast, "Cheers to Rotary." to Rotary International.
  10. No bell ringing, happy bucks or 4-Way pledge.
"In many ways it is a great club, but our club is much better."  This of course elicited a very positive response from the collective "you guys."
Their club had their Foundation Dinner which sounded like a lot more fun than ours.  They had a talent show.  There was this one person that did a singing and dance number, and who evidently can't sing or dance based on the comments of the club members.  He was able to raise $23,000 Singapore dollars, which is about $17,000 US dollars, just for his act.  Evidently, his wife did all the fundraising for him. A Member of his band extolled the wonders of his wife, resulting in tears of appreciation from this one-man fundraising talent.  It reminded Rolundia of Big Al tearing up over his wife.  (Al Cady also tears up when he thinks of his ex-wives, but for completely different reasons, mostly financial.)  Rolundia was not a big fan of their having to bring their own alcohol to their Christmas party.  Nor did she appreciate their custom of allowing members time for "Me talk," as one new member took up most of the meeting talking about herself. A Rotoract student was present and was quite impressive.  She had spent a lot of time with the club and appeared to be a member and not a student, based upon her participation in the club.  Rolundia did exchange flags with the club and she presented the flag of the Rotary Club of Marina City to President Jensen.
Roberto explained how their club started with just men and how it changed to accept women and the turmoil that ensued, with members leaving the club when the women joined. He noted that it was one of the best things that club had ever done.  
Rotoract Student
Speaking of Flags
The Prez noted that we have hundreds and hundreds of flags in boxes just waiting for us to do something with them.  They used to all hang at the Coral Reef Restaurant.  They are in at least two big boxes, some in her garage and some at Al's all-purpose woodshop and storage room.  The Prez will be putting together a work-day to affix the flags to an appropriate means of displaying them.  The goal is to have them for the charter dinner. 
The Prez announcer that we are now the official Rotary Club Sponsor for the Rio Americano High School Interact Club. Interact is the High School version of the College Roteract Clubs.  Joe Green was an Interact participant when he was in high school and the club met at the Coral Reef. The Prez noted that it was nice being at their meeting and watching high school students take full charge of their meeting. We are there to advise and support but it is their meeting.  One of our members needs to be at their meetings.  The Prez and Bruce Stimson are working on a list that will share the duty on a rotation basis. The meetings are every other Wednesday at 12:50 PM. More to follow.  
Tom Goode - Poker Tournament
Tom thanked all the members that were working hard to make this year's poker tournament a success.  It will be held March 22nd at Niell0 BMW.  We already have $30,000 committed to the tournament from the sponsors.  The Prez has crunched the numbers and the poker tournament has raised over one million dollars for our community since its first year.  We are very proud of the tournament and the success it has become.  We look forward to everyone participating again this year.  
Derrick Erwing - Recreation Supervisor
Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District
Derrick is one of our newer members and he thanked the club for giving him an opportunity to share a little about himself and Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District. Derreck presented his story with the aid of a PowerPoint slide presentation.
Originally from Pasadena, in Southern California, just down the street from the Rose Bowl. Derreck and his wife moved to Northern California about seven years ago and to Sacramento four years ago. He moved here to be the Director of Sports Programs for the Special Olympics.  Derreck took over the management of Swanston Community Center from Danny Curtola and is now in charge of all the sports programs for the district. 
Park District Boundaries and Parks
They currently have 12 parks, soon to be 13 once emPOWERment Park is completed.  It is located at Bell Street and Irma Way, between Hurley Way and Northrop Ave.  There are fences up, and the ground has been leveled.  It is nice to see progress being made. The district is "boot-shaped."
New District Branding, New Logo, for a New Era
New Addition, Link the Mascot
Youth Programs -
More Youth Programs -
Check out for more information.
Check out for more information.
More Adult Programs -
Programs through SJUSD -
Special SJUSD Soccer Program -
Over 100 students, 14 schools, participate in the free soccer program.  This program is centered on the Afghan students, but is open to all.  This is not a small undertaking. Shirts shorts and other equipment is provided free.  The program is funded by SJUSD.  It was started to help reduce the incidences of violence between the students.  It has brought the students together and has been effective in reducing violence and general discord.
MORPD, Conducts the SJUSD Soccer League -
A major end of the season tournament is being planned. Last year the students that participated received lunch, a bag with a water bottle, t-shirt and a hat. They anticipate over 400 people participating.
Check out for more information.
Check out for more information.
President Jensen thanked Derrick for a very informative presentation.  She presented him with the 4-way test challenge coin and started to explain what the challenge coin was but Sergeant at arms Al Cady forcefully suggested that DG Turner was the one to explain the coin.  The Prez was reluctant but yielded the floor to the District Governor who shed light on the reason Al was so adamant.  It turns out, a challenge coin, presented by Al, was not met with a coin by the DG... costing said DG $75 for lunch.  Had the DG presented his coin lunch would have been on Al.
Oh, Bye The Way...
  1. The District Conference is in April.  You will save money if you sign up and reserve your room before the end of the year.  Prices increase in 2025.
  2. The International Conference except that deadline is December 15th.  There are no hotel rooms available for rent. 
  3. A hat was passed and will be passed again next week for Liza, our outstanding waitress.
The Prez thanked everyone for attending and she the encouraged everyone to go share the magic of Rotary and rang the bell closing the meeting at 12:55 pm. 
Respectfully (more or less) submitted by,
Mike Grace
P.S. Some of the information provided, in some of the articles, may have been a fabrication of a demented mind.   It is up to you to determine fact from fiction.
Club Information
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
571 Pavilions Lane
Arden-Arcade, CA 95825
United States of America
(916) 801-7090
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Michael Grace
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