Last week we had the Superintendent of Francis Tuttle Technology Centers, Dr. Tom Friedemann, as our guest speaker. Supt. Friedemann gave updates on what's happening on the campuses of some of the finest technology training facilities in the country... right here in Oklahoma County.

With a central focus of "Preparing Customers for Success in the Workplace", Students are offered courses tailored to the needs of the industries hiring them. Unnecessary or repetitive classes are eliminated and the schedules are able to be adjusted to allow students to progress at the fastest pace that is practical for the skills being learned.

Francis Tuttle has high school programs that have 6 school districts feeding into it. Adult education classes are offered during the day and evenings. All classes are electives so the students in the classes are there because they choose to be.

Operating out of 3 campuses and the Business Innovation Center, FY 2015 saw an enrollment of 36,205, including 14,105 in adult and career development courses.  More than 200 distinct industry certifications were available with 3, 172 granted in FY 2015. Francis Tuttle is another showpiece for Oklahoma to be proud of.

At right, Kathy Reeser, Rotarian of the Day and Francis Tuttle Board Member, introduced Dr. Tom Friedemann, Supt. of Francis Tuttle Career Technology Centers at the May 3rd meeting.