Posted on Aug 12, 2018
The latest Edmond Summit Rotary Youth Exchange Student to return from a year of immersion into another nation’s culture and education is Ashtyn Page. Ashtyn, pictured at left, presenting her slides at left, along with her father Brandon were present at the August 7th meeting and presented a synopsis of her experiences of spending a full school year in Alicante Spain, on the coast of the Mediterranean.  
    The Rotary Youth Exchange program is open to top level high school Juniors or Seniors who meet stringent requirements and pledge to commit themselves to being honorable examples of America’s best foot forward.  The requirement for language studies in the requested country is important since the student is immersed in the native language at the host home and in the school environment often for days with little time for interpretation.   Almost all students chosen are adaptable and capable of becoming fluent in 3-4 months. They must be capable of “surviving” during those first traumatic weeks until the brain starts to make the many connections and the mind, ears, and tongue all start to work as one.  Ashtyn indicated that at 4 months she was just becoming comfortable and by the 7th and 8th month she was virtually a “native” speaker. 
   The "Host Nation" Rotary clubs provide many gatherings for the international students where life-long friendships are made. The host families are, of course, like a second home family once the new has worn off and these friendships are also deep and life long.
Learning other cultures and other cultures learning from us are important steps to promoting world peace and understanding. The Rotary Youth Exchange Program leads the way in preparing future leaders in deepening the understanding between nations and helping one culture grow to accept another entirely different one.

Shown in picture in the right from left to right, Jerry Burger, District Youth Exchange Coordinator, Ashtyn Page, and Club President, Koorosh Zahrai.