If today’s speaker was any reflection on how the old west adapted to the tough times on the frontier, I can certainly understand how we became the great state of California!

Historian and “orator”, Steve Beck led the membership through a descriptive, humorous and energetic lineage of the history of Sutter’s Fort, John Sutter and the myriad of characters surrounding him in this pivotal chapter of the evolution of our state …virtually without the benefit of a microphone and sound system. Wouldn’t you agree that his enthusiasm and speaking abilities actually benefitted from the mishap? Concluding to a standing O, all seemed to be enthralled with his delivery and content (including you too John Nunan!) Thanks to Jim Phillips for bringing this great speaker to the Club.

Your ad hoc Technology Committee has concluded two sessions with two technology consultants who continue to interface with staff, learning and understanding our issues and infrastructure so to provide us with recommendations and solutions toward perfecting our office and membership technology infrastructure pro bono. Stay tuned as their respective reports are unveiled and the committee then begins to assess and develop solutions.

The Peruvian wheel chair project is virtually funded with only $1500 to go. A dozen District Clubs  including ours have banded together with the Rotary Club of Lima Peru to make this international project a reality. A classic example of how “many hands make work light” and just another miracle of Rotary at work.

Many thanks to our Sponsor of the Day, Paul Bystrowski, for his most generous contributions as a triple Summit Bagger to the RCS Foundation in memory of his wife, mother and father, recognizing and thanking the Club for support in these trying times, to Past President Skip Lawrence for contributions to Paul Harris and Eddie Mulligan for his gift of 400 units of blood (that’s 50 gallons) and a dollar to each Paul and Eddie respectively for every one of those units.

Welcome to the Club Rob Wallace and Barry Brundage!

Enjoy what is left of our summer, Brown Bagging it next week, Paul Harris style, to be followed by Labor Day weekend the following week. We will see you on the 12th of September back at the Radisson with our guest speaker Marcos Breton, newspaper columnist, author, & radio personality.
Have a terrific week, strive for those summits!

Ken Noack, Jr.