Becky is a Psychology Practitioner with 15 years of experience in the psychology field. She has a B.A. in Psychology and a M.A. in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology with doctoral level coursework in business Management. Becky specializes in moving people through transitions of all kinds, currently specializing in divorce, health and relationship transitions.


She is the co-owner with her mother of Fairway Divorce Solution, Sacramento… a company changing the way divorce happens. Fairway is a mediation/ negotiation company that works with both individuals in a “couples to resolve their divorce” without going to court.


Becky is also a relationship expert as seen on ABC News 10, Sacramento & Co. and co-author of the blog, Relationship by Design.


She is the mother of two internationally adopted kids; Lexi from China and Gabi from Vietnam. Becky is passionate about the work being done to reduce sex trafficking, especially in Asian countries such as Cambodia, as she has thoughts of what could have been, had her own children not been saved from such a potential life. She is also a world traveler with multiple trips to Europe, Asia, Canada and frequently throughout the United States for fun and business.





Jeffrey is recently retired from a 20 year career in the prison system as a nurse. He is a RN with a passion for helping people. Jeff handles sales and marketing for his wife’s company, Fairway.


His dream, along with his wife Becky, is to build a wellness center, where people can come to enhance their health. With 40 acres of property in northern California, they are well on their way to supporting people through their own health transitions.


Jeff is the father of two beautiful daughters, one a masterful hairdresser, the other a student to become a teacher, a Navy wife, and a survivor of recent open heart surgery. Soon she will be moving back to the Sacramento area where he and his wife will have all four daughters near to them.             


With Jeff’s recent retirement, he is busier than ever supporting his wife with Fairway and starting up his own new business, Gia Wellness.


Jeff enjoys travel as well with his wife and children and hopes to travel to Egypt some day, although while in the Navy he travelled the world over.