Our next speaker is Peter Collier of Nevada City.  A National Book Award nominee, he is author of Medal of Honor: Portraits of Valor Beyond the Call of Duty.  He will reflect on Veterans Day and the heroic contributions of Americans in military service.

Peter Collier is the founding editor and currently a consultant to Encounter Books. He has worked as an author and editor for the last thirty years. During that time, he has written novels, short stories and screenplays, along with best selling biographies. Referred to in the New York Times as "America's premier biographer of dynastic tragedy," Collier is best known for The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty; The Kennedys: An American Dream; The Fords: An American Epic; and Destructive Generation (all with David Horowitz). He is also the author of The Fondas: A Hollywood Dynasty and The Roosevelts: An American Saga. Recent books include Medal of Honor: Portraits of Valor Beyond the Call of Duty, with photographs by Nick Del Calzo, and The Anti-Chomsky Reader, co-edited with David Horowitz.