The Magic of Rotary

(Taken from The Pulse, July 9, 1990)


Rotary is not a name or a number, an emblem or motto. IT IS A SERVICE. It is not the recitation of high sounding ideas and worthy objectives, but the transition of those ideas and objectives into everyday life.  It is not the statement of principles, but their practical application in a person’s personal, professional and community life. The magic, the genius, the power of Rotary is friendly service in finding expression in the lives of people.


You can say that those who are Rotarians reveal their lives by their attendance record. If they are vitally interested in the Club, they will support it with their presence. If they value the opinions of others as a means of broadening their own, they will look forward to hearing all speakers. If they find fellowship stimulating, they will enjoy making-up unavoidable absences. The purpose of regular meetings is to enlighten, encourage and inspire goals which can not be attended to in absentia. Next time you are tempted to skip Rotary, remember…attendance is not for building records, it is for building Rotarians.