I write this to you on Wednesday, February 2.  I have just returned from visiting the Bowling Green School which is one of the sites that receives funds from our Golf 4 Kids event.  I was thrilled to be there with 8 other Rotarians as I handed them a check for over $12,800.


But here is what I learned today, as important as our monetary support is for them (and make no mistake, it is vital and literally improves the quality of life for these children), as important as our financial support is, it is our partnership that is deeply valued, too.  


Hopefully you have heard that our relationship and support of serving children with special needs is the longest relationship in the Rotary world.  When we have our Golf 4 kids event in the fall of 2012 that will mark NINETY YEARS of partnership and support!  90!  I can't begin to tell you how proud I am to be part of a Club, that for decade after decade, in good and bad economic times, we carry on the legacy to provide service to children in our community.


That was just one school which I visited today.  Now multiply that by the eighty-nine years, and the many other schools we support and I think we begin to catch a glimpse of our shared work of service.  


Now, don't you want to share this gift of Rotary with a friend?  


Have a great week and I will see you all next Monday!

President Scot