WELCOME TO ROTARY We are neighbors, community leaders, and global citizens uniting for the common good. With you, we can accomplish even more.!
Service Above Self
Ossining Elks Club
Ossining, NY 10562
United States of America
District Site
Venue Map
Marybeth Gallagher at the school she is running with local Rotarins from the RC of Winhoek Aust . Here is a video of Marybeth singing with the school children "Feeling Groovy"
On a sunny afternoon in September 1979, Rotarians and delegates of the Philippine Ministry of Health looked on as volunteers administered drops of the lifesaving Sabin polio vaccine to about 100 children in the Manila barrio of Guadalupe Viejo.
The Rotary Club of Ossining Support Literacy
Rotarians from the RC of Ossining under the leadership of Pres. George Weeks distributed both dictionaries and thesauri to students in 3 schools in Ossining. At the Roosevelt School, third graders received dictionaries with some Bilingual classes receiving both English and Spanish Versions. At the Claremont School, fifth grade students received Thesauri and at the St. Augustine Parochial School third grade students received dictionaries. The Rotarians an additional trip to St. Augustine's to distribute Thesauri to the fifth grade students.
Rotarians assisting Pres. George Weeks included PP Joan Beldotti, PP Bob Hooley, PP Bob Nolan, School Board Pres. Bill Kress, Rtn. Matt Gulotta and Past District Governor George Camp.
Financial support for this program was provided generously by the Mahopac National Bank and Anthony and Joan Beldotti of Anthony P. Beldotti Management Corp.