Posted by John Oswald
Through the funding provided by RD9780 and ANZCA, in October 2017, Interplast welcomed Indonesian anaesthetic registrars Dr Rizki Subing and Dr Arinanda Hayu for their month-long training placement based in Ballarat in regional Victoria from the 8 Oct -10 Nov 2017. ANZCA kindly provided funding to support their attendance at the 2017 ASA NSC, and RD9780 supported their placement in Ballarat.
Rizki & Arinanda with Dr John Oswald at the ASA NSC in Perth
Interplast established a partnership with the Indonesian Association of Plastic Surgeons, PERAPI, to assist with the training and development of plastic and reconstructive surgery services in Indonesia in 1992. In 2002 an Agreement was exchanged with the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia to cooperate in the development of reconstructive surgical services in Indonesia. Since that time Interplast has assisted PERAPI with setting standards, policies, curricular, continuing medical education and training attachments to Australia. In addition, treatment has been provided at no charge to almost 2,000 patients throughout Indonesia through Interplast program activities.
Dr Rizki Subing and Dr Arinanda Hayu are senior registrars at the Dr Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia. The hospital is at the eastern end of Java, and with 1500 beds and 150 anaesthetic registrars, is responsible for the acute management of health in the entire eastern half of Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous country.
Dr Rizki Subing and Dr Arinanda Hayu are the 25th and 26th registrars from Surabaya to be involved in this annual program, set up originally in 2004 when Interplast was regularly visiting Balikpapan in East Kalimantan. All alumni of this training program have achieved a high level of professional success in Indonesian anaesthesia, with many now on the staff of Dr Soetomo Hospital.
Dr Subing and Dr Hayu also had the opportunity to attend the ASA National Scientific Congress in Perth and participate in a peripheral nerve block workshop. At Ballarat Health Services they were able to familiarise themselves with various aspect of anaesthetic management including preparing patients preoperatively and monitoring, preparing the anaesthesia machine and delivery of drugs, the management of postoperative pain and acute and chronic pain. Being able to spend a week in the Intensive Care Unit, Dr Subing and Dr Hayu participated in the ward rounds and referrals and learnt about management of patients in ICU.
We also hope that this program will continue, to give opportunities to other anaesthetic registrars in Surabaya to expose and experience anaesthesia in a different level." - Dr Subing and Dr Hayu
The professional development training also included visits to St John of God Hospital, the Royal Children's Hospital where they observed paediatric anaesthetic management, Royal Melbourne Hospital where they observed anaesthetic maintenance using Total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) for neurosurgery and visits to the University Hospital, Geelong and Portland Hospital.
“Thank you RD9780 and ANZCA for providing the support that ensured Indonesian anaesthetic registrars Dr Rizki Subing and Dr Arinanda Hayu's visit  to
Australia to engage in professional development training that has built up and strengthen their expertise and, by extension, strengthen the medical services in their home country”….Interplast Australia and NZ.