We deliver over 1300 flags across Coppell!
To manage a program of this size, our club has defined roles, responsibilities and developed several resources.
Flag Program Process Documentation (Excel Workbook for download)
- Example of notes delivery teams tape to doors for potential subscribers
- Manages all customer data, payment postings, flag route sheets, delivery team contact information
How to use the Flag Pro System (Excel Workbook for download)
- Used to maintain information needed by our Delivery Teams
- Inbox for flags@coppellrotary.org and info@coppellrotary.org
- Payment System
Google Voice System (must login in as rotary.coppell@gmail.com)
- Used to manage incoming texts/calls from customers and delivery teams on flag days
- Our number is: (214) 233-4316
Recovery Rotary Email Box (must login in as rotary.coppell@gmail.com)
- rotary.coppell@gmail.com
- Used to receive recovery passwords in the event access to our main email box is lost
If you need access to any of these resources please email: admin@coppellrotary.org