
Dear Rotary members,


Purchase your flocking insurance now.  Your presidents yards have already been invaded by these pink atrocities. This fundraiser by Rotaract and Circle K is to support the Montana Make-A-Wish foundation and has enlisted the help of these pink flamingos in hopes of making a child's wish come true.  These flamingos are vicious and will flock your yard while you are not home and even have the nerve to do it while you are home as well.  Please protect your home and purchase flocking insurance now.  To purchase flocking insurance follow this link.

But beware..  If a friend of  your's wishes for you to be flocked these birds will still make their way to your yard if your insurance coverage was not high enough.  Remember this fundraiser is meant to be fun, if it upsets you to have flamingos in your yard please let us know and we will put you on our no flock list. Thank you for your support, and may no flock find you .


Missoula Rotaract Club

The University of Montana Circle K International Club

and the help of Hellgate and Sentinal Key Club