Program for October 13, 2014: Dr. Steve Titus, Iowa Wesleyan College President

Invocation by: Mike Ruby

Guests today:  Jane Evans and Bobbi Holliday, potential new member.

Still needed are Golf Cart Drivers for Saturday, October 18, 2014. The Healthy Living Festival needs your help.  If you can drive a cart for a couple hours or even an hour please contact Judi Holdorf


Happy News: Doug Schnoeblen is proud that his daughter has a great new job as a nurse.  Rich Dwyer is happy that his son had a great homecoming weekend and that he is enjoying being Junior Class President.  Nathan Mather had a busy weekend with his daughter's birthday party and Sunday School experience.

Karen Diercks reminded us to sign up as Golf Cart Drivers for the Healthy Living Fest on October 18, 2014.  She told us Operation Warm has raised over $1095 with $235 coming from MPW.    Quarterly Rotary bills were emailed today!!

Program: Jenny Howell shared informative facts and tales about Muscatine.  UFO's, Rocking rocking chairs, Mark Twain tales, Billy Sunday and Norm Baker yarns and even making it big in the Devil in the White City!!