Program for August 8, 2016: Dr. Greg Baldi and Brexit Causes andConsequences
Invocation: Dr. Jerry Riibe
Club News and Happy News: Don Timmerman is a prospective member of our club transferring from the Clinton Club. Tracy Nims was present with Kathy Russell as the speaker team!!  Chris Ingstad is happy that he has a new daughter!! Mike Ruby is proud of Muscatine for the RAGBRAI welcome, as is Rich Dwyer and Jim Nepple. John Kuhl got in on the action with a partial day ride with his 13 year old daughter!!  Nathan Mather is happy his new son will soon be arriving and that Nathan James eye surgery went well. Naomi De Winter is proud of the warm Muscatine welcome for the RAGBRAI riders as she was one of them!  Judi thanked the club members for signing up for committees!!  Mary Wildermuth reminded members to review their online directory information for emails and phone numbers.  Any new members we need your photos!!  Shane Orr discussed the Share a Smile project!!
Program: Kathy Russell provided an update on Unity Hospice which is intended to wrap a family with support while a loved one is in the process of dying.  Support can be in the form of medical equipment, or nursing care.  Persons can stay in their home and receive Hospice help.  Hospice care can be provided for 6-12 months.  Most people have hospice for about 30 days.  Hospice also supports the family after the death of the family member.  Since 1983 Hospice has been a Medicare Benefit