Program for June 29, 2015: Muscatine Symphony Update with Brian Dollinger
Invocation: Mike Ruby
Rotary News:  Sign up sheets for the 4th of July Parade Staging and new Rotary Committees are on the tables. We will meet at Contrary Brewery on  Mississippi Drive on July 13, 2015.
Happy News: Keith Porter is happy that the wedding planning is going smoothly and his daughter's wedding is happening in just 5 days!! Melanie Alexander reminded us of the Ice Cream Social at the Art  Judi Holdorf has just met the website designer in person..our speaker today.. Gilad Aharoni!!
Program: Pam Collins introduced Gilad Aharoni who does work for Big Imprint Design, a website design company in West Liberty and also a great origamist.  Gilad has been producing Origami objects for over 30 years, in fact he got into website design by creating his own world's largest website dedicated to the Art of Origami.  Gilad attended a world Origami conference in New York which sparked his passion for creating pieces of artwork from one sheet of folded paper!!  Origami has been around since the first century. At that time it's use was ceremonial.  Today a common language has been developed enabling pretty much anything to be created from one square piece of paper.
With Gilad's directions we created our own Origami Swans!!  It was a fun action filled meeting!!