Iowa City Noon Rotary

New Member Induction –
Dimy Doresca, John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center (Sponsor Usha Balakrishnan)
Devin van Holsteijn, University of Iowa Foundation (Sponsor Lynette Marshall)
Kingsley Botchway II, Iowa City Community School District (Sponsor Joe Hughes)
Justyn Miller, CEO, South Slope Communications on Drones
Tom Cilek introduced Justyn Miller, who has been working on and flying radio-controlled ground and aircraft since he was a kid. About six years ago, he started making his own drones from parts. He is fully engaged in the sport now to the point where three RC manufacturers actually send him their new models to test and/or review. Being able to view things from a different perspective really interests him. Currently, Miller donates his time for educational purposes, writes a blog about drones and has worked with many different entities on aerial photography projects using drones. He doesn’t accept payment for all of the projects he has worked on but instead asks for a donation be made to the University of Iowa’s Children’s Hospital in lieu of payment.
Drone Technology has out paced legislation over the past several years. Anyone can buy a drone at a local retailer so safety and security are a big issue. Thankfully, new technology has been designed that prohibits the general public from launching a drone near an airport. Besides great pictures, providing a tool for teaching and learning, and time lapse capabilities to capture a construction project from start to finish,  drones are now being widely used in the area of agriculture for crop inspection. Miller is passionate about this technology and his enthusiasm was evident today at our meeting. After the meeting, he made himself available to answer questions and demonstrate a drone for interested members.
Oct. 1 – Joint Service Club Luncheon @ University Club
Nov. 5 – Noon Rotary Centennial Celebration at the Iowa Memorial Union
Singing:  Bob Crane led the singing of America the Beautiful and Smile with Jim Conard on the piano.
President-Elect Usha had the following announcements:
  • Please buy or help sell Raffle tickets. The net proceeds support our Club’s projects as well as the three public libraries in our areaThe raffle corner will be at the back bar after every meeting if members have questions, need to turn in money or require additional tickets.
  • Margaret Reese is available today to sell tickets to the annual Joint Service Club Luncheon on Thursday, Oct. 1. Tickets are $15 and are required to attend the Oct. 1 meeting. The luncheon is an opportunity to bring area service clubs together to hear speaker, Dr. Jean Robillard, UI Interim President and Vice President for Medical Affairs.
  • The Rotary Literacy Champions Party will be held on Thursday, Sept. 17th at 5:30 p.m. at Sherry & Mike McKay’s historic home at 1105 Keokuk St. $25 donation requested. Tickets will be on sale before and after Rotary next week. The party raises money for the “I Can Read” dvds which are distributed to Kindergarten families in our school district. 10,000 dvds have been distributed over the last five years.
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at
RYLA:  Brian Adamec from the Iowa City AM Club announced in following our District Governor Loring Miller’s directive on reaching 100% club participation in RYLA, the AM club is starting a fundraiser effort thru Select Fundraising to raise more money to support the RYLA program. By purchasing gourmet nuts, chocolates and pop corn for gifts, customers or special company accounts the local clubs will be able to send more students to RYLA next year. Fifteen students attended this year and the same amount or more is projected for next year’s conference. Information was on each table at the meeting.
Music is the Word: Susan Craig asked everyone to take out their cell phones and add the upcoming event to their calendars. The kick-off will be held Sunday, Sept. 20 at 2 p.m. at the Englert Theatre. This musical revue is a variety show that marks the kickoff of nine months of special programming by the Iowa City Public Library to welcome the University of Iowa’s School of Music to downtown Iowa City. Local performers are donating their talent to this great event for all ages. Tickets are available at the Iowa City Public Library and the Englert Theatre. or
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Brad Johnson introduced Visiting Rotarians Jack Cameron, (Iowa City AM), Pat Schnack (Iowa City AM), Nancy Pacha (Iowa City AM), Brian Adamec (Iowa City AM) and Nenu Piragine (Iowa City AM) as well as guests Devin van Holsteijn (Lynette Marshall), Tom Tesar and Amy Boelk (Joe Hughes), Katie Knight (Jeff Disterhoft), M. Theresa Schaefer (Aaron Schaefer), Jill Terrill (Barb Thomas) William Keettel (Jack Cameron).
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; Greeters: September 17- Josh Schamberger and Greg Bell,  September 24 – Tricia Brown and Rives Bird,  and October 1 – Art Spisak and Janice Baldes.