Iowa City Noon Rotary

Noon Club is on Facebook
See for a highlight on Roy Justis’s bittersweet Rotary Moment as he relocates to Cedar Falls. The more “clicks” the more we reach our friends to let them know about our Rotary. Thank you Linda Muston!
New Member Introductions
New members Scott Enyart, George Eichaeker, Mark Koch and Bill Windauer took their allotted three minutes to introduce themselves to the Club. 
Rotary Moment – A Farewell
Roy Justis served up another of his brilliant and thought-provoking Rotary Moments. It was a bittersweet moment for Iowa City Rotarians as Roy announced that after 45 years in Iowa City and 33 as a Rotarian, he was moving to Cedar Falls, Iowa.  Roy reminded everyone that ROTARY spells “good moments” and he has them at Rotary every week. See
Flag Exchange and Greeting
Rotarian Swaran Singh from the Salem West Rotary Club, India, brought his welcome to Iowa City Rotarians and exchanged flags with President Bruce. He shared a brief overview of how special his town is in industrial India and what a special role Rotary plays in his life.
May 31 -- FAMSCO workday is scheduled beginning at noon to sort and load supplies as the
                 current warehouse space needs to be vacated.
June 8 – Ronald McDonald House Golf Outing
June 14 -- FAMSCO workday is scheduled beginning at noon to sort and load supplies as the
                 current warehouse space needs to be vacated.
June 18 -- Salvation Army Bell-Ringers Committee will meet on June 18th at 10:45 prior to the
                 Noon Rotary meeting
June 28 -- FAMSCO workday is scheduled beginning at noon to sort and load supplies as the
                 current warehouse space needs to be vacated.
Nov. 5 – Noon Rotary Centennial Celebration at the Iowa Memorial Union
Singing:  Bob Crane with Jim Conard on the piano led the singing of America the Beautiful and Vive le Rotary.
  • Gary Pacha was awarded his Paul Harris Fellow + 8!
  • Jenna Issacson urged Rotarians to volunteer to help with Summer of the Arts – see
  • Mike McKay shared that their home will be on the Tour of Historic Homes this weekend.
  • Karen DeGroote announced that the ARC has completed its project to be fully accessibe and invited Rotarians to the ribbon cutting on June 2nd.
New Member Induction
Nat Bebee was presented to the Club for induction by his sponsor Tony Weiler and given a warm welcome.
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Adam Pretorius introduced Visiting Rotarians Tomeka Peterson (West Liberty), Swaran Singhm (Salem West, India), Jeff Swartzendruber (Kalona), Rob Cassion (Clinton), and Del Bluhm (Rotary Club of Ames) as well as guests Jenna Issacson (Bruce Kout), Nat Beebe (Tony Weiler), Jeffery Dancer (Brenda LaMarch) Gregorio Sanchez Cortes (Christine Catney) Joe Venz, Jennifer Kinderknecht (Del Bluhm), Tim Heisdorffer (Usha Balakrishnan), Casey Kidwell (Steve Quigley)
MAKE UPS:  Tom Markus (IC AM Rotary), Bruce Kout, Thais Winkleblack, Usha Balakrishnan, Jody Braverman, Scott Fisher, Bryan Lawler, Linda Farkas, Mike McKay, Steve Quigley, Sean McIntyre (Rotary Board Meeting), John Fraser, Kristin Reynolds, Mark Koch, Aaaron Schaefer, Sarah Richardson, Sherry McKay, Thais Winkleblack, Angela Villhauer, Bill Windauer (New member committee)
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; Greeters: June 4 – Steve Conklin and Robert Cargill, June 11 – Steve Quigley and Christopher Kolker, June 18 – Pat Collins and Angela Villhauer, and June 25 – Brad Baldes and Sean McIntryre