Make a difference
With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world. Donating to Rotary means clean water and sanitation. Health and hope in areas that were once ravaged by diseases like polio. Economic development and new opportunities. Your financial help makes all this happen, and more.
What impact can one donation have on the world?
It can save a life. A child can be protected from polio with as little as 60 cents. Our partners make your donation go even farther. For every $1 Rotary commits to polio eradication, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $2.
If your purpose is to help others and to give back to your community, Rotary could be the right fit for you. Everyone is welcome as a guest at our weekly meetings, to learn more about our club and what’s possible working as just one part of Rotary International, with 1.2 million like-minded members around the world.
People join Rotary to do good work and help others; they stay in Rotary because they make good friends!
The Rotary Club of Oakville Trafalgar works actively through five committees—Community Service, International, New Generations (youth), Indigenous, and Environment—to support projects and causes in Rotary International’s seven areas of focus globally:
- Providing Clean Water and Sanitation
- Fighting Disease
- Maternal and Child Care
- Supporting Education
- Growing Local Economies
- Protecting the Environment
- Promoting Peace
Where do our donations go?
When you give to The Rotary Foundation, you fuel our service projects - projects that eradicate polio, promote peace, and improve developing communities.
Some of the many organizations and causes we have supported with the money we raise:
- Acclaim Health, Strawberry Social for Seniors
- Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Hamilton Halton
- Charterability
- COVID-19 Relief Fund
- Fareshare Food Bank
- Food4Kids Halton
- Food for Life
- Halton Women’s Place
- Kerr Street Mission
- Lighthouse Shelter for Grieving Children
- Literacy South Halton
- March of Dimes, Jean and Howard Caine Apartments (supportive housing for people with physical disabilities)
- Oakville Community Foundation
- Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital
- Rotary Education Awards (with the other Oakville Rotary clubs, we award bursaries worth approximately $60,000 annually to graduating high school students for their post-secondary studies)
- SafetyNet
- Salvation Army, Annual Kettle Drive
- Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation
To Support Indigenous Communities
- Annual scholarship for a First Nations student at the University of Sudbury
- Art for Aid (collecting art supplies to be shipped to remote northern communities)
- Hockey Cares (True North Aid)
International Projects
- Donations to Sleeping Children Around the World
- Funding training and employment opportunities for women who currently make their living in the garbage dump of Guatemala City
- Purchasing medical equipment for a clinic in Guatemala that trains medical doctors and serves the poor
- Purchasing medical equipment for a pediatric oncology unit in Mexico
- Microfinance loans to women in Africa
- Water and sanitation projects in Uganda, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico
- Family garden projects for nutrition and financial independence in Guatemala
- Donations to Shelterbox and other international disaster relief
- Providing laptops, vocational training, and other support for the School for the Deaf in San Miguel d’Allende, Mexico
- Funding for food, and development and delivery of a community outreach program on the island of Roatan, Honduras, during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Financial support for hunger relief in Guatemala during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Supporting Rotary International’s End Polio Now campaign to eradicate polio globally