Pledge - Glen

Invocation - Susan

Bill Matthews - Gayle
Shawn Stuto - Kristi

Happy Bucks:
Jennifer -  Hellgate fundraiser went well - and PLU with daughter - looking at schools - excited to being empty nester
Joe - went to PLU
Gordie - for Susan - made a sign "Are You Kitten Me Right Meow"
Larry - for Susan re: the Hula at DTWS
Paul - arm feels good
Ann - Susan great at local Dancing with the Stars
Hugh - doesn't have to renovate bathroom, as found the problem!
Margo - 3 week RV trip to the south
Dave - Susan, because everyone else is
Arnie - Katie in a program at CU for cyber crimes about kids - top professor asked her to be her TA, Conference coming up - Michael Green - the big guy in the industry, asked to be keynote speaker at their conference
Heidi - works with Tara's mother and she'll donate more next week - also happy b/c she and Mike are helping friend get food truck going - Big Thai Country at a few Bitterroot breweries.
Kristi - thanked her friend Shaun for coming
Susan - thanks to Gordon for contributing to the 'crazy cat lady' reputation
Mike Boehm - wife has new job at St Pat's starting in May as nurse practitioner
Matt Brown - glad to have speaker here
Brandon - fantasy league first seed, and Rotary buddy helping him move this weekend
Amy - will see Ramey and new baby Olin (sp?) and fundraiser for Partnership this weekend
Cynthia - missed what she said - sorry
Chris - Missoula Choice Awards - Animeals tood first place for non-profit
Matt Doucette - thanks to Gary - he bought piano at Morgenroth - hotel ownership changed - last week transition - construction over next 18  months to renovate hotel
Dick - traveled all over India in his youth - Masala is opening

Rotary Minute: Glen - Belize - Belize City seems to be the most active

Mike Boehm - Classification Talk - non-profit (Watson's) - was Rotarian in WI - did it then to network - with over a hundred members - has been living here for almost a year on his own, but wife now has job lined up and is coming in May. Two daughters and 3 grandkids. 

Partnership for Children update: Sat Feb 27th - Lady Griz game - meet at 2:15. March 12th is ski day at Discovery. 

Tara's father passed away from a heart attack Friday the 19th - keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Dick will send out her contact info and send flowers.
20th Anniversary of our association with Partnership for Children - doing a major event - met with board and we are looking at carport/construction idea with Francetich
Youth Homes need work this spring as well - service committee is organizing
March 4th - Friday celebration - 100th Anniversary Great Falls
Date is March 31st for Wine Seller event at GLR
Ethics Seminar - May 3
RYLA selection committee meeting this week - call Carl if you want details

Speaker: Dan Snyder - COO Neptune Aviation