We opened our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a heartfelt prayer from Jim.  Guests today included Al Jensen, Heidi Kendall, TJ McDermott and Susan Lockner

Trivia:  who was the only Montanan to serve as the Rotary International President?

Happy Bucks:

Jim Clark is happy to be healing after shoulder surgery, Curt is delighted to have been blessed with his 4th grandchild, Kris is happy to be home after being gone first for work and then for a vacation in the Zion area.  Larry gave a shout out to Tom Beaudette for his help with the playground project.  Paul’s boat blew up on Sunday, and he too became a new grandpa, with the grandchild out weighing any of the fish that he caught this past weekend. Dave is happy about his son’s baseball abilities…and Bill St John is hoping to hang up the ole sports bra after a couple more pounds.  Arnie shared good news about Bob Swanson’s daughter getting a special draw for a hunt this fall, and Arnie also is sporting a new Droid.  Arnie also was pleased to report that his daughter is the recipient of the Community Medical Scholarship.  Dick King wanted to remind us about the Stensud Theatre and encourages us all to check out this renovated new venue for comedy and theatre.  Dick is also exited that “Les Mis” will be playing at the Missoula Community Theatre this upcoming weekend.  Susan Hay Patrick gave a shout out for her guests who are both running for public office, Heidi Kendall for School board, and TJ McCormick for Sheriff.  Curt is looking for a volunteer to be Sergeant of Arms next week…

Remember to invite friends and family to the upcoming wine cellar event on May 8th 2014 at 6:00 on the top floor of Garlington, Lohn, and Robinson…The Sunrise Rotary club is hosting this event solo this year, so the attendance levels and the raffle ticket sales falls all on our shoulders!  Get out there and sell those tickets!

Carl Prinzing gave a quick update on the upcoming peace park celebration that will be held the 18-20 of September.  Mark your calendar and plan to attend. 

Bill St John and Carl Prinzing conducted RYLA interviews this week, and now are faced with the tough decision of choosing only a few of those talents kids. 

Dick King gave an update regarding the Wood for Haiti project, and we hope to have the delegation from Haiti her on June 18th

Remember May 10th is Highway Cleanup… WE NEED VOLUNTEERS**** please check in with Hugh Jesse if you can participate. 

Larry Brehm finally was given his Blue Badge, and Jerry Rogge was inducted as a new member.

Although our presentation was postponed, it was a great morning full of fellowship!