We started our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a Golden Rule Blessing from Bobby Clay. 

Our guests today were Scott Crichton, the Executive Director of the Montana ACLU, along with Board Member, Paul Siverman, our speaker.

Trivia:  Which US President was the first Rotarian? 

            Which Famous Explorer?

            Which Boxer?

Curt is happy for his Smith River Permit, and had an announcement that Jim Clark is doing well after his shoulder surgery… Jim will be needed rides to Rotary for the next few weeks.  Dave Bardwick has signed up for next week, so touch base with Jim next week if you can help.  Mike Bullard is happy to announce that St Patricks will be birthing babies again.  Matt was at the Volbeat concert, is happy to have registered his boat, and wanted us to remember “Boston Strong”

Susan threw some money in the jar to wish Anne Guest luck on parking issues..(sorry could not hear all of that one) Lou noted Bobby’s tough guy scar and stitches, and wanted to remind everyone about District Conference May 2 and 3. 

Sunrise Rotary will reimburse travel expenses if you decide to attend… see Lou for more details. 

Heidi made an announcement regarding the wine cellar event coming up May 8th at 6:00 on the top floor of Garlington Lohn.  Heidi has event tickets (and Raffle Tickets.)  The event tickets are 25.00, and we are requesting a donation of 25.00 to cover the wine costs.  The question was posed to the general membership in attendance, if anyone had any objection to being invoiced for the wine donation.   It would make the accounting for this event much more streamlined, and avoid the comingling of funds.  No one seemed to object, and if anyone has concerns about this method of payment, please email Lou. 

Heidi also asked each member to give their best efforts at each selling 10 raffle tickets.  Matt Doucette has graciously offered a gift certificate to Brooks and Browns to the member that sells the most raffle tickets… Please remember we are not selling “wine,” but rather Rotary.  This fundraiser supports our local efforts and by providing a few examples of those efforts each member should easily be able to sell 10 tickets.

Garbage cleanup day will be May 10th.  Thank you Hugh Jesse for leading the charge on this.

Dick King took a few moments to share some history and insight about the Rotary Foundation

Susan Hay Patrick introduced our guest speaker, Paul Silverman, who shared the history and purpose of the ACLU.  For more information regarding the ACLU in Montana visit: www.aclumontana.org