Margaret called the meeting to order at 5:12 p.m. Present were Brian F, Dick King, Matt Smith, Gary Bowman, Betsy, Paul Sepp and Hugh Jesse.
Paul moved we accept the minutes of the last meeting. Hugh seconded. All approved.
Paul talked about September expenses $11000 in operating account. Little less than $3000 from the golf tournament.$ 8000 in the fundraising account.  $4000 of that is free and clear. The rest is earmarked for the Lockner essay contest.  Paul gave a projection of cash through Dec 31st. See attached. Paul said we could afford to put $3000 into the fundraising account.
Brandon was gone so there was no membership report.
Brian spoke about the events possibilities with the foundation. Service project funding could possibly be funded by a district grant along with the ask from Big Brothers and Sisters. There is a one time grant in honor of the anniversary of Rotary International that shouldn’t be confused with the district grant I hope these notes are accurate. I can’t hear a thing. 
Matt Smith reported on the service committee. Kids fishing trip went well. Note: more worms. Next is pumpkin carving with the kids along with a taco feed. Matt discussed the finer details of the pumpkin carving. Lisa is heading the dictionary project.  Santa’s Breakfast is December 14that the Hilton Garden Inn. That finishes out service events for 2016.
The process to elect a President-elect was discussed and it will be posed to the club tomorrow.
New Business: The nature book conservancy was discussed. We have given them 500 but their ask was for 1000. We told them the remaining would depend on the success of our next fundraiser. Brian moved that we give them the remaining 500. Matt did the second. All approved  Big Brothers and Sisters asked for $500 to help fund their vetting process for youths and mentors. This would follow under community projects, which would use half of our budget. Hugh made a motion to fund this. Paul seconded. Approved by the board.
Hugh motioned to adjourn the meeting. Paul seconded the motion. All approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:54 p.m.