Special Thank You to Rotarian David Reid and Rotarian Mark Macfee for providing printed copies of the weekly newsletter for members and guests to read at the tables.
Please feel free to take a copy with you after the meeting.
More than one million Rotarians worldwide have contributed to the success of the polio eradication effort.
With over 200 readers weekly (Rotarians and Friends of Rotary) why not consider posting your logo and web link within our newsletter. Your sponsorship will not only help Rotary Sunrise but your business will get exposure to grow your clientelle. Contact info@rotarysunrise.ky to learn more about advertising with Rotary Sunrise.
January is
Rotary Awareness Month
India's Anniversary: Celebrating Three Years Polio-Free
Submitted by District Rotary Foundation Chair Lindsey Cancino
Today [January 13, 2014], the Global Polio Eradication Initiative joins India and the global community in celebrating a historic global health milestone: three years have passed since India’s last case of wild polio.
Pending final clearance of December and January laboratory samples, the Regional Certification Commission is expected to certify the entire South-East Asia Region of the World Health Organization as polio-free in March.
With a densely-concentrated population of more than one billion people, India was once considered the most challenging place on earth to end polio. The country’s success is a result of remarkable commitment at all levels, from the highest reaches of government to the heroic 2.3 million vaccinators delivering polio drops to local communities.
India’s triumph is a landmark achievement that will vastly benefit children's health in India and around the world.
The infrastructure and innovations that helped India reach the poorest and most marginalized are now being used to deliver other health interventions like measles vaccines. Social mobilizers from the polio program are counselling pregnant women on breastfeeding and providing newborns with routine immunizations, and the polio surveillance system is helping build capacity for India’s Universal Immunization Program.
India also proves the virus can be eliminated under the most complex circumstances, providing inspiration and technical guidance for eliminating polio in the three endemic countries: Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. Lessons from India’s success informed the development of the new Strategic Plan to end polio by 2018 and are already driving progress in the few remaining reservoirs where polio endures.
While India’s anniversary is a significant milestone and proof of what is possible, recent outbreaks in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa – both linked to virus from endemic countries – are proof that as long as polio exists anywhere, it is a threat everywhere. We must capitalize on India’s achievement to end polio globally and protect the health of children everywhere for generations to come.
•Rotary clubs throughout India will illuminate landmarks and iconic structures on 13 January with “India is Polio Free.” - See more at click here
Rotarians in D7020 have played a significant role in the effort to eradicate polio over the last 25 years; today is an important milestone of your success in making this goal a reality in a country where only 5 years ago, the highest incidence of the disease on the planet was recorded. Congratulations Rotarians!
What the Prez Sez...
Step UP!
Submitted by President J.D. Mosley-Matchett
As you know, we launched a survey in December to take the pulse of our club and give you a chance to provide the Sunrise Board with guidance by offering your feelings and voicing your suggestions.
Unfortunately, only about half the club responded and the results weren't terribly surprising. Of course, the lack of surprises was probably due to NOT hearing from the half of the membership that may think quite differently from the people who responded. But because we left the responses anonymous and voluntary, we had no way to follow-up with the people who didn't complete a survey.
To overcome that particular problem in the future, we will continue to keep the surveys anonymous, but maintain a check-off list of names as each member turns in his or her survey. We really do need to hear from everyone to have a complete picture of how to move forward effectively as a unified club of dedicated Rotarians.
But there were some very interesting thoughts that we learned from the members who did respond. I've picked a few key points and offered some ways we can work together to make them happen:
More hands-on projects. I agree that it feels great to roll up my sleeves and make tangible things happen. But having attended every Community Service meeting since the start of the Rotary year, I've noticed that the biggest problem faced by Director Finley is getting volunteers to plan and manage the various opportunities for hands on projects. So, step UP--If you want more hands-on projects, please make plans to attend the next Community Service meeting on January 28th at Casanova's Restaurant after work and volunteer.
Get to know more members. I've asked Club Service Director Conor to find a volunteer (or two) to plan "ice breakers" for our weekly meetings. VP Christine is planning to ask members to do "Who Ya Fuh? / Getting to Know You" talks on a regular basis. So, step UP--You can help by volunteering to help. You can pass along to Director Conor any fun ice breakers and even offer to organize and execute one at an upcoming meeting. And you can cheerfully agree when VP Christine asked you to spend a few minutes telling the other members a bit about yourself.
More info about projects and members in the newsletter. We've shared the survey results regarding the newsletter with Director Gina and she's keen to following up. So, step UP--Gina can't know everything that is going on. You can help by volunteering to cover a topic that's interesting to you (Project News, Member Spotlight, etc.) and become the Club's investigative reporter for the newsletter. As DS Rosie so often says, "Many hands make light work." Make the newsletter better by contributing to its content!
Please know that I have personally read through all of the survey data and take all of the comments to heart, including those that are minority positions and therefore may not be actionable. Although it's impossible to be "all things to all people" I do assure you that I'll do my best to continue to help you make Rotary Sunrise a powerful and effective force for good works.
But as an active member of this club, you must help correct the things that can use improvement. Change your suggestions into personal action items and we'll all help Rotary Sunrise meet its potential!
This Week's Meeting: Business Meeting
Please join us for this Wednesday's meeting and hear from your Directors as they recap projects that have taken place in the last month, listen as they inform about upcoming events and encourage volunteers to get involved with the future projects. This is your time to come up to speed with the many committee programmes happening within your club.
A special focus will be made to our Literacy Committee with the CALS programme.
Computer Assisted Literacy Solution
Submitted by Director Andrea, Literacy Committee
Rotary Sunrise's Literacy Committee will share more details at the January 15th meeting but here are some details on the CALS initiatives
1. CALS (Computer Assisted Literacy Solution) AT GEORGE TOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY
a) Rotary Sunrise has purchased licences for 5 students to study online in programmes designed to build or improve their basic competencies in reading and mathematics.
b) Sunrise Rotarians Dorothy Crumbley, Kent Green and Literacy Director Andrea Bryan have volunteered to support the library service as teachers and facilitators for the programme.
c) Library staff have been trained and once the students have had their orientation, the project will be all set to go.
d) This is a pilot project and if the results are good or promising we are prepared to purchase additional licences for the library service and we will look to include district libraries.
e) The 5 laptops for the project were kindly donated by KPMG. Many thanks to Rotarian Tony Cowell for facilitating this.
a) Rotary Sunrise has agreed to purchase licences for 3 clients to study online in programmes designed to build or improve their basic competencies in reading and mathematics.
b) Sunrise Rotarian Kent Green has volunteered to take the lead on this project and is currently assisting the staff with the set-up of the learning centre. We will also support the staff as teachers and facilitators for the programme.
c) This is a pilot project and if the results are good or promising we will look to include other clients at Caribbean Haven.
If you would like more information or to help, contact Director Andrea, Rotarian Kent or Rotarian Dorothy.
Registration NOW OPEN!
Submitted by Director Gina on behalf of www.dc2014cayman.ky
The buzz is on about this year's Rotary District 7020 Pets, Assembley and Conference 2014 - April 29th through May 4th. Registration is now open and all Rotarians are encouraged to sign up, get involved and experience a conference you will surely find invaluable. www.dc2014cayman.ky.
If you haven't had a chance to watch the promotional video highlightling Cayman and what the conference has to offer then please do click here for the short 5 minute video.
Calendar of Events has Colour
Submitted by Director Gina
With the upgrade came some features like colour categories for club events, meetings and special programmes. If you haven't had a look at our club's calendar of events please do so. The events listed in the calendar will help Rotarians and friends of Rotary know what is coming up in our club, how your can get involved/register and who to contact for more information. All at the click of a mouse on the a calendar.
From the main home page on www.rotarysunrise.ky look for the "volunteer hands" in the left hand corner. Click on the hands and take a look at all the events.
Happy Birthday
1st January – Dawn Cummings
5th January – Anthony Cowell
5th January - Hendrik-Jan van Genderen
6th January – Tony Catalanotto
13th January – JD Mosley Matchett
14th January – Christopher Bowring
15th January – Bob Kostich
16th January - Dorothy Crumbley
19th January – Ian Comins
27th January – Krishna Mani
Rotary Anniversary
1st January – Gordon Hewitt 38 years
1st January – Alastair Paterson 31 years
3rd January – Greg Brooks 7 years
4th January – Mark Macfee 8 years
18th January – Winston Connolly 11 years
Make-ups: In addition to make-up opportunities at Sunrise you can make up at another Club in Grand Cayman. The meeting time and place of the other Clubs are: Rotaract Blue: Wednesdays at 6:00pm at XQ's Pizza Bar and Grill, West Bay Road Rotaract Club of Grand Cayman: Thursdays at 7:00am at Barnie's Coffee & Tea, GT Waterfront
Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Central: Tuesdays at 7:30pm at Grand Old House
Rotary Club of Grand Cayman: Thursdays at 12:30pm at The Westin
Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean 7020: Online meetings any time. Visit www.rotaryeclub7020.blogspot.com for more details. Make-up certificates will be provided promptly once you've completed the requirements.
Travelling: If you are going to be travelling for an extended period of time - more than two weeks be sure to let the Secretary know and remember to submit any make-ups you do in a timely manner.