The Family Tree of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman was unveiled on 1 December 2011 as part of the celebration of Rotary's Month of the Family.


of the


Welcome to the first week of Rotary International’s Month of the Family.


Later in the month we will be celebrating with our children, spouses and other persons we consider our personal families.


This week, we are celebrating the Family of our own Rotary Club.

Family and Community


Fifteen years ago, Hilary Rodham Clinton popularized an African proverb that says

“It takes a Community/Village to raise a child.”


Her political opponent Bob Dole countered with

“It takes a Family to raise a Child.”


Regardless of our politics, I expect that most of us would agree that

It takes both a Family AND a Community to raise a child.


I expect we would also agree that

“It also takes both a Family AND a Community to sustain an adult.”



How does this tie in with today’s celebration?


In the human context, sociologists have defined a “family” as a group of people affiliated by blood, co-residence or affinity. 


In this context, “affinity” refers to shared interests and commitments between persons in the group.

And affinity is particularly strong when these persons associate willingly.


Thus, as a group of people voluntarily sharing common interests and commitments, Rotary club members are, by definition, members of a Family.


Sociologists define “communities” as an inclusive extension of the concept of family. 

In addition to belonging to a local club, Rotary members are each a member of the very active and supportive global Community of over 1.2 million Rotarians.


We have agreed that “It takes both a Family and a Community to sustain an adult.”

It is fortunate for us that, by definition and in actuality,

Rotary Clubs provide this sustenance.



Families and Communities are all about connections.


Strong families are maintained through the connections of the family members. 


Strong communities are established and maintained through individual social connections. 


The Rotary Avenues of Service are the foundation of all club activities. 

·         Through all of the Avenues, but especially through Club Service, we are provided opportunities for the connections necessary to maintain the Family of Rotary club members, and

·         And through Vocational, Community, International and New Generations Service, we are provided opportunities for local and global social connections within the wider Rotary community and with the communities within which we live.



The value of the Support of a Family cannot be overemphasized. 


Our trust in the support of our Rotary Family

facilitates our ability to

fulfill our commitment to

Service Above Self.

Growing our family


Each of us has the opportunity and responsibility to invite new members to join our Rotary family. 



The sponsorship of Linford Pierson has ultimately resulted in an additional 19 Rotary members.  So don’t underestimate the value of inviting even just one new member to join our club.


Growing the Rotary family is not all about numbers.  It is not just about having more people to help us with our service projects. 


Returning to the theme:  It takes both a Family and a Community to sustain an adult: 


There are undoubtedly business people and professionals in Cayman

that are not members of Rotary,

who need or would enjoy the family and community of Rotary. 

Celebrate our family




This tree includes at its foundation the charter members, and includes every current active member, as well as any former members that sponsored, or were sponsored by, an active member.


The Board intends to display this Tree at all future meetings and to update it periodically. 


Like any tree, or any family, it will be a joy for all to watch it grow.  



This Family Tree will be displayed near the Rotary Christmas tree during the ceremony on 5 December.   Possibly someone you know will see that you are a member of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman, and will approach you to learn more about Rotary.




May we all continue to enjoy and appreciate our membership in the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman, and recognize opportunities to welcome others to the Family!