Rotary Club of Thousand Oaks
Meeting August 27th
       Ventura County Sheriff's Station- Chief of Police        Jeremy Paris
Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
Club Administration
At Large
Family of Rotary
Vocational Service
Community Service
International Serv
The Rotary Foundation
Executive Secretary
Executive Treasurer
RYLA Coordinator
New Generations
Peace Chair
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Kathy Hill
September 5
Jason Corey
September 14
Eric Rubenfeld
September 17
Laura Conway
September 17
Rich Folsom
September 17
Ernie Sandlin
September 18
George Jones
September 19
Robert Cabral
September 23
James Gilday
September 24
John Bradley
September 26
Ken Warner
September 28
Brian Back
September 15
Bob Lewis
Kathy Lewis
September 21
Even our photographer (Rich Folsom) got some tacos.  Shown here with David Masci waiting in line. 
Happy Cup -"Bag" carried by Paul Dryman
Just in case, Jeremy Paris wouldn't let us leave the Sheriff's Station after the meeting
KT Connor-Fine Master
Our Club in History-  How Rotary T.O. began.....
Basic Education and Literacy Month
Jim Friedl introduced speaker Jeremy Paris
T.O Rotarian and Thousand Oaks Police Chief- Jeremy Paris
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After inviting all of the club members to serve themselves at the Taco Bar, President Mc Coy opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to "the Fantastic Thousand Oaks Rotary Club" and apologized for not playing his usual "We are Family" music.  Someone suggested "Jail House Rock" would have been more appropriate for today's meeting.
Pres. Pat then asked Eric Rubenfeld to come forward to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.  Karen Furnari then led the club in "America the Beautiful" and told the club that a woman wrote that song after visiting Pike's Peak and was so astounded by its beauty, she felt compelled to write it. 
Eric Rubenfeld's Inspirational Moment was about a Texas A&M tradition that began in1922, when all of the football team were sustaining injuries, the coach asked a man in the stands to play..... he was the 12th man on the bench.... the team miraculously won the game and now in honor of that "12th man standing", everyone at a Texas A&M game 'stands up" for the whole game in his honor. And Eric said Rotarians are like the "12th man", they go whenever and wherever they are needed.
Judy St. John introduced guests-Past President-Keith Parks, Michelle Nash's husband-Shannon Nash, Nate Harimoto brought Steve Hauser, and Felix Masci brought wife-Barbara Masci
Pres. Pat Mc Coy invited everyone to enjoy the Tacos.....and ever managed to get a couple for himself.
Eric Rubenfeld-Pledge and Inspirational Moment
Karen Furnari- America the Beautiful
Judy St. John- Guest Intros
Michelle Nash announced the Rotary Family Picnic was only 3 days away!  It's gonna be a Blast!!  The More the merrier!!  She is collecting $5 donations to help pay for the food etc.
Susan Murata said what a GREAT Wine Festival the club put on last weekend.  She said, we are going to make's not going to be our best year, but we did raise money for Special Olympics and our Scholarship fund.  She thanked everyone (she could remember) on the wine committee and said what an incredible job everyone did.
Placide Da Dilva will be passing the Peace Baton out at our meeting next week.  Each person will talk about what Peace means to them and our club.
Michelle Nash Rotary Family Picnic
Susan Murata Great Wine Event!!
Placide da Silva= Peace Baton
HAPPY DOLLARS:  Paul Dryman carried the Happy Cup- Well it was a Happy Bag, because no one brought the Cup to our offsite meeting.
Judy St John was happy that her Great Grandbaby was born last week.. she said "what a blessing!!"
Susan Murata apologized for not mentioning Marc Feigen who was a big part of the Wine Committee and handled all of the PR and advertising for the event and also served wine all day at the event.
Haider Alawami is happy because he is off on Monday for the holiday.
Felix Masci is grateful to Trevor Tyloch for coming to his home to fix his computer.
Jennifer Strong is grateful to CLU  for making her an adjunct professor-she is teaching a class on Financial Planning and says she has no idea what she is doing.
Ken Warner said everyone can thank His Law Group for the Get Out of Jail Free cards he placed on everyone's tables.  He also said he loved the video that was shown at the wine event for Special Olympics and that it inspired a lady there to buy $1,000 worth of Raffle tickets. 
Dave Wender asked Ken.... 'What happened to the other $900 worth of tickets"??
Judy St John,  Great Grandbaby is Blessing!!
Susan Murata forgot to mention Marc Feigen
Haider Alawami happy to be off.
Jennifer Strong adjunct professor.
Felix Masci-thank you Trevor
Ken Warner Get out of Jail Free 
Dave Wender- show me the money???
Get Out of Jail Free Card thanks to Ken Warner 
FINE SESSION:  KT Connor Fine Master T.V. Shows about Cops-$25 if Right, $26 if Wrong.
Herb Gooch- Which American City did the first Law & Order TV show take place in?  Answer- New York WRONG
Joel Price- In the TV show Dragnet what was Detective Joe Friday's badge #?- Answer-714  RIGHT
Martin Anderson- In Hawaii 5-0 was the part of Danno Williams played by James Mac ARther?  Answer- True.  RIGHT
Felix Masci what was the name of the Bad Guy in Hawaii 5-0?  Answer-Wo Fat. WRONG
Sue Engler In Cagne & Lacey Which actress played the role of Cagney in the original TV Move (not the series)?  Answer Loretta Swit.  RIGHT
Herb Gooch-Wrong
Joel Price-Right
Martin Anderson Right
Felix Masci-Wrong
Sue Engler-Right
SERVICE ABOVE SELF.....Things to do and help in our Community.....
Cancer Support Community Celebration of Hope- Sunday Sept 15th, Los Robles Greens  3:00 PM
Charity Karaoke- October 6th -Canyon Club, Agoura, CA Non-profits compete for cash awards.
Senior Concerns 3rd Annual Golf Tournament: Tuesday November 19th Moorpark Golf Club.  for more information email
PROGRAM:   Jim Friedl introduced Jeremy Paris who is not only a Thousand Oaks Rotarian, but also the Chief of Police for the City of Thousand Oaks.....and the Guest Speaker for today's meeting. 
Jeremy has been with the Ventura County Sheriff's Department for 26 years and most of his career had been in Gang enforcement and the Bomb Squad before becoming the Chief of Police 
He provided a Public Safety update.  In 2023, Thousand Oaks had 1,512 Reported Crimes that is 12.3 crimes per 1000 ppl, it was a 4% increase over 2022.  There were 5 homicides, 9 fatal collisions and a 40% drop in vehicle theft over 2022.  2024 in Q2 is slightly better than 2023
5 out of the 10 cities in Ventura County contract with the VC Sheriff's department- Thousand Oaks is one of them.  The T.O. Station has 7 County Professional Stagg, 16 City Professional Staff, 93 City Sworn and 42 County Sworn officers.
Jeremy said according to Forbes 2024- Thousand Oaks was named the safest city in the U.S. for cities over 100,000 people.
The Sheriff's current challenges include Traffic fatalities, stolen vehicles, Catalytic converter theft, Organized Crime and Homelessness.
the Sheriff's dept has several new programs including. T.O.P.S. ORT Grant, HLU Team, SRO-School Resource Team and more.
They are trying to get a handle on homelessness and can now legally take tents down.  The new Navigation Center should open by January 2025 and can house 30 people-and up to 60 if they are couples;
and the Quality in hotel project should be moving forward.
He was proud to announce that they just recently busted the organized theft group that were Chilean illegals.  They partnered with the FBI and arrested several.
It was a Great Program and made everyone feel proud to live in such a protected community. 
It Takes a Village to Run our Rotary Meetings.....Thank you to those who helped.
Club Administrator: Maria Prescott 
Guest Introductions: Judy St. John
Pledge/Inspirational Moment: Eric Rubenfeld
Song: Karen Furnari
Happy Dollars: Paul Dryman
Fine Session: KT Connor
Photos: Rich Folsom
Note Taker/Bulletin: Susan Murata
Tech Support- Ean Kleiger, Trevor Tyloch
Sgt. At Arms: Hugo Roche, Jim Gilday, Jim Friedl, Steve Stanley, Felix Masci,        Jason Corey, Eric Rubenfeld.
All things fiscal$$: Chris Steele & Nancy Wohl.
Pat's closing words:
Tell someone you love them, remember the four-way test, I love you all!!
Next weeks Program September 5th:
Jeff Gorell
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