December 2020

Schedule a joint activity that supports a shared value and a healthy environment. 

Tips to meet the challenge:
1) Create a list of personal values:
  • A personal value is a characteristic or behavior that is important to you.  It helps guide your actions.  
  • There are many sources on the internet to help spark your thoughts on your list of personal values.  Here is oneHere is another.  and there are many many more. 
2) Connect one of these values to the pursuit of a healthy environment: 
  • Ask yourself a series of why questions to understand the motivation this value provides.
    • Why is this value important?  answer a.  Why is this important?  answer b.  Why is this important?  answer c.   etc....
  • Ask a series of why questions to uncover how a healthy environment will support this value.  
3) Listen to others to help identify where you have shared values: 
  • Listen to others with an ear for a set of values.  
  • Identify where you have genuine overlaps and use these overlaps to connect authentically and ask questions to deepen your understanding of the other person.  
4) Identify an action you can do together that supports a shared value and the environment.  
  • If your shared value is beauty, take actions to appreciate and support the beauty in nature.  Take pictures.  Pick up trash.  Or simply drink in natural beauty and experience it together.  
  • If your shared value is knowledge, choose activities that will add to your understanding of the natural world including the threats and advances in protective measures.  See a movie.  Read an article.   Attend an EcoClub meeting!  
  • Imagine how you can apply this to any shared value...fairness...service...adventure....
This challenge originated from our meeting in November where we watched the 2018 Ted Talk by Katherine Hayhoe.  In this talk she suggests that the best way to talk about climate change is to not invoke the data, but rather connect via a shared value.    
By participating in the Rotary EcoClub EcoChallenge for December 2020, you'll illuminate your own set of personal values and see how a healthy environment can support them. You'll uncover a new way to connect with others about environmental topics.  And in this season of giving you can give a gift of time and connection without additional consumption.  
Share your progress - the hurdles and the success - with Rotary EcoClub and your family and friends!