United States of America

Christina Buck  first worked for Butte County Water and Resource Conservation as a student intern during the summers of 2005 and 2006. She returned in 2012, as the Water Resources Scientist and became Assistant Director in 2018. 

She leads projects to develop data and tools to support SGMA implementation and the development of Groundwater Sustainability Plans for the subbasins within Butte County.  Recent work includes participating in studies to better understand groundwater conditions and recharge, updates to the Butte Basin Groundwater Model, and regional coordination through the Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. 

Prior to working for the County, she conducted graduate work at UC Davis participating in a variety of projects related to hydrogeology and groundwater-surface water interaction, water resources management, and field studies.

She holds a B.S. and M.S. in Hydrology from UC Davis and a Ph.D. in Hydrologic Sciences also from UC Davis.