Rotary Fishing Classic $25,000 Grab Bag

During the weekend, whenever you, as a registered angler, visit a weigh station or weigh in a fish, you will pick up a $25,000 Grab Bag form signed by a Rotarian. Entry forms are only available at official weigh stations from Rotarians working those stations. You may receive a maximum of two (2) entry forms per day per weigh station.

Bring all of your forms to the Awards Ceremony on Sunday.  All signed entry forms will be put in a container and mixed up. One form will be drawn; that angler will then be the contestant in the $25,000 Grab Bag Game (the other forms in the container will be used to award door prizes).
The contestant will be given 40 sealed “Grab Bags” or envelopes. Each bag includes a symbol representing one of these prizes: $25,000 cash; $5,000 cash; and $1,000 cash. The contestant will open bags in any order they wish until they have five (5) matching symbols. They win whatever prize is represented by the five (5) symbols they match first. You must be present at the Awards Ceremony, beginning 3 p.m. Sunday, June 7, 2020, at the Naked Turtle to win.
Good luck and we’ll see you along the shores of Lake Champlain soon!