Posted by Sally Phillipp
Ken Runs a Marathon - 
Planning for our Club's up-coming projects, the club members almost died of starvation and dehydration. The Club's meeting ran for a whole hour and three quarters, and the troops were definitely getting restless towards the end. Surprisingly, no one left before the Jackpot ticket was drawn, with the pot being over $3500.
  1. Ken Roberts called meeting to order at 5:45
  1. Earl Simpkins gave the devotional. 
  1. Marianne Elwell led the Pledge (and was the greeter)
  1. Treasurer’s Report – LB Showalter – bank balance $3500 + portion of raffle monies.  $3700 in Foundation – related to Flag money
  2. President’s report –
    • Events:
      1. Halloween Party – Greek Isles - $20 buffet, auction, a percentage goes to Vet organizations.
      2. Nov 10 – battle of branches blood drive – Time served
      3. Dec. 6th Christmas Party for all Plano clubs – Haggard Party Barn – 6:30 pm, $25 per person + it’s also a Coats for Cops/Kids drive
    • Elections upcoming
      1. We need candidates to stop for PR Director and Foundation Director
      2. Election for officers for the 2019 – 2020 year will be 12/13 (next meeting – first opportunity for Nov meeting will be flag working day – and the second opportunity – 4th Thurs – is Thanksgiving)
      3. Randy nominated LB to be Secy-Treasurer – all approved
      4. Pres Elect (for 2019-2020)  to serve as president starting 7/1/20
      5. Director at large – odd year, to serve a two year term beginning 7/1/19.
      6. work and said invoices would go out on Friday, Oct 12.
  3. Projects:
    • Flags of Honor – Gene Losey
      1. Flags should be up by Thursday (Nov 8th) and lights in place.
      2. Plano Police – providing some volunteers.
      3. Lori Roberts to contact Fire Department for volunteers
      4. Discussion on use of website to provide info for flags – Gene to send email with step-by-step instructions.
      5. PR – Sally Philipp
        1. Press Releases went out to newspapers and TV stations on Wednesday and Thursday
        2. Article for Rotary Magazine – about Flag Program sent to Ken for forwarding to appropriate channel.
        3. Radio to go out this weekend
          1. This includes HS ratio and TV programs
          2. Also contacting VETS organizations at local colleges/universities for help, participation, etc.
      6. Kenny Wilson recommended a printed card to give to those working the event with talking points.  Sally volunteered to get something to Kenny by Monday.
      7. Ean to contact N TX Buglers about working the event
      8. Discussion of sponsorship by other Rotary Clubs – and how to ramp it up.
        1. Lori to contact Chris Parr.
      9. Lisa – drop dead date to get data on honorees to her is October 31 – 1 week.
        1. We have data on KIAs
        2. Sally to help with proofing editing where needed.
        3. Suggestion to have ‘Legacy Honorees’ (a rebrand)
      10. Earl mentioned having Flag purchase as an item at the Plano Community Forum Silent Auction.
      11. Randy said it would be a GREAT idea to have a silent auction program for all non-profit events.
      12. We need a 10 x 10 tent for the event.
      13. Someone has volunteered their RV –
      14. Randy will pay for printing of row labels for the flag field display.
      15. Sally will look into getting golf cart for free (or trade for flag)
      16. Ken said he’s looking for a ‘General’ to speak at event.
  4. Need volunteer for Citizenship awards event at Shepard Elementary – Friday at 8:00 am – David Rodgers volunteered.
  5. Randy spoke for several minutes re Flag program - on members getting commitments for sponsors or honorees and chose to pick on Sally for some reason.
  6. Rick Boyer told about project at Plano Food Pantry – Saturday – 9:00 – need volunteers and landscaping equipment.
  7. Number was drawn (it was Gene – holding Lisa’s numbers) – and he drew the Q of Clubs
  8. Four-way test
  9. Adjourn – 7:45