Twenty Six Rotarians and Guests were in the warm cosy Loong Yuen Restaurant for our regular RCKGM lunch meeting. But no meeting at RCKGM should be titled “REGULAR”.
This lunch was indeed a “Heat Pump” of activity. We were honoured to have DG Norman Lee back smiling at RCKGM, and on hand to pin our latest Major Donor in PP Babu, and 3 new PHF fellows in PP Babu lovely wife Clara and his two handsome boys in Tazmil and Latiful…. Well done Family PP Babu. You are now club legends!
We also had Rtn Kevin back at SOA. But the real heat came with the guest speaker in Dennis Tung in educating us on Heat Pumps. Take away is “If the setting is right they can ROI very quickly and save a lot in energy Costs“. Thanks Dennis, You certainly had our attention. See you all back in B2 next week. Don’t change that dial!