My name is Louis-Adrien and I am an Osteopath currently based in Hong Kong.
I treat from newborn babies to elderly people experiencing a wide range of pains, conditions or disorders.
I use my hands to diagnose, scan, understand your body and to treat it with precise, efficient and gentle techniques coming from Western and Eastern Medicine.
Biography :
Osteopath D.O. , graduated from Institut Dauphine d'Osteopathie (IDO) Paris.
Master in Osteopathy, Graduated from Federal European Register of Osteopaths (F.E.R.O.) by an International Jury.
University Diploma in "Dietetic and Clinical Nutrition" , Faculty of Medicine Paris VII.
Postgraduate Training at "Formation For Research in Pediatric Osteopathy" (F.R.O.P.) in Bordeaux.
Currently attending the Diploma in "Clinical Acupuncture" , Hong Kong University.