One of our Flagship projects – Feeding the Elderly – where we served the last free lunch to 120 senior persons at YMCA, Kwai Chung for 2024 on 28th December. The service is held every two months and we serve wholesome Hot meals incl soup, rice, vegs, meat and fruit. Before the meal, all the seniors enthusiastically participated in a short exercise routine to relax the body and build up appetite. A truly worthwhile service!
Junioractors Installation ceremony was held at Ying Wa Primary school on 4th December. PDG Keith Chow attended and the committee members were pinned by Pres Vinod and PP Mazhar. The confidence and communication skills of the young students was commendable!
One of our biggest local community service projects, the Free Health Check Program for Seniors was held on 24th Nov at Mongkok Kai Fong Association. Around 300 elderly persons received free medical check up by Voluntary doctors from Rotary and outside. Assisted very ably by Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, nurses and others, the day long event was a great occasion to bond with the elderly. Free goody bags were handed out to each elderly on completion. This is truly a remarkable project!
The ONE Humanitarian Award Fundraising Gala Dinner was held in 19th Nov. It is the District’s longest running award initiated by our very own PDG David Harilela. RI President Stephanie Urchik, Actor Donnie Yen, Singer Jasmine Yen and PDG David Harilela were the Star attendees! The award empowers extraordinary individuals who dedicate their lives to serving others! This years worthy winner of The One Hong Kong was Father John Wotherspoon and of The One International was Mathew Varghese. Our heartiest congratulations to him!
The Intercity meeting was held to honour the presence of Rotary International President Stephanie Urchik in HK. Was a good occasion to meet other clubs too!
Had a fantastic trip down to Mui Wo to visit the Arc Eden camp and see nature at its best! We planted a sapling there, trekked through the forest and saw a very well maintained compost toilet too! A must visit for children!
One of our main fund raising events, the Charity Bazaar was held after a gap of two years at Kai Fong Association TST. A great turnout, with our sister club R.C. Port of Townsville assisting and several children and Rotaractors joining in the fun and entertainment! The smiles on the children’s faces were reward enough for all the tireless effort put in by our members to make this event a great success!
The District Happy Workplace: Mental Healthcare with Rotary seminar was held on 4th November with several professional speakers giving insights and strategies on Mental Health!
On 24th Oct we visited Ying Wa Girls School and met our Interactors who presented their community service project - 深水情緣 。 They went with Ying Wa Boys to Sham Shui Po, slept one night on street, Centre, McDonald, Rooftops on carton paper , without bedding of course. Talked to and cooked for the elders, listen to their stories……….. lead by Social workers ……
One of our Flagship projects – Feeding the Elderly – where we serve Free dinner to senior persons at YMCA, Kwai Chung was held on 26th October 2024. The service is held every two months and we serve wholesome Hot meals incl soup, rice, vegs, meat and fruit. Before the meal, all the seniors enthusiastically participated in a short exercise routine to relax the body and build up appetite. A truly worthwhile service!
Great turnout for our first meeting in October where we had an excellent Guest Speaker Mr. Da Liu giving us an insight into the Biotech industry and opportunities. Also had visiting Rotarians from Rotary Club of Passport Melbourne join us!
A wonderful dinner meeting and fellowship at KCC, where we concluded the evening by interviewing two prospective members and connecting with another promising candidate. It was truly a memorable evening filled with great conversations and camaraderie!
Books donation project together with RAC Edelweiss. 13 cartons of books donated to Ultimate United, a not-for-profit organisation empowering children with Education.
The Club was honored by the visit of the Triumvirate of DG Nigel Lo, DGE Cassy Cheng and DGN Jimmy Lau along with DS Colin Chau and DAG Derrick Tan on 11th September. We had the opportunity to showcase our many projects and services, our crazy fun spirit amongst the over 45 members and guests, our warm hospitality, and our sharp wit and intelligence in the tough quiz. The lunch ended with a Super Lucky Draw with 4 winners. It was great to learn of DG Nigel’s passion and Rotary Vision for the year ahead.
Thanks to the District team for joining us and to all our members and guests for a great time!
Thanks to the District team for joining us and to all our members and guests for a great time!
One of our Flagship projects – Feeding the Elderly – where we serve Free dinner to 120 senior persons at YMCA, Kwai Chung was held on 31st August 2024. The service is held every two months and we serve wholesome Hot meals incl soup, rice, vegs, meat and fruit. Before the meal, all the seniors enthusiastically participated in a short exercise routine to relax the body and build up appetite. A truly worthwhile service!