Posted by Peter M. on Oct 01, 2019
On October 1, we were joined by Roberto Angelis Lyra, author of Re: Le-gîon & The Other Side of Suicide.
Roberto is a poet, writer, decorator and human rights activist.
He spoke about his harrowing childhood experiences as a family member of a cult which continues to exist in downtown Kitchener. Fortunately, he was able to escape its clutches in later years and is now active in working toward its abolition. His stories and descriptions of what the cult does to children and women was alarming and disheartening. It mandates all aspects of members' lives and controls through brainwashing, threats and intimidation. Distorted religion is also often used as a weapon of control. This experience continues to affect his family to this day.
Yet our current laws allow all this because of existing legal provisions for child autonomy from age 12. It seems that the police and the courts are helpless to intervene.
Roberto is spearheading a drive to expose this cult for what it is and pressure authorities to change the relevant laws.
We can only hope for his success in doing so!
For further information on this author and his publications refer to his website: where you can see his twitter feed.