The main objective of Rotary is service — in the community, the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotary Members ("Rotarians") foster and encourage the ideal of “service above self” through the betterment of business and professional ethics, promote international understanding and goodwill, and provide humanitarian service.
Rotary International has a decentralized structure, with local clubs that are autonomous and community-based. Each service club works to improve the quality of life locally and around the world.
Rotarians have the collective expertise and skills to implement dynamic and sustainable programs in the areas of hunger, poverty, and illiteracy, with particular emphasis on children, the aging, and the disabled.
The Rotary Club of Cambridge (Preston-Hespeler) partners with Cambridge Memorial Hospital and Kidsability to support local health care, particularly for disabled children. Internationally we support education and health care in disadvantaged communities, in recent years for rural Maasai in Tanzania and rural poor in Guatemala and the Dominican Republic.
Fellowship is an important part of membership. We make sure that our weekly meetings are something to look forward to. Partners are welcome to participate, and we share our club friendships through many social events through the year. Members of the Rotary Club of Cambridge (Preston-Hespeler) enjoy the benefits of an automatic social membership in the Galt Country Club.