Posted by Bob Spencer on Apr 08, 2018
The 2018 District Conference is special.    Wisconsin's 3 districts are hosting the second triennial TriCon,  a statewide conference to celebrate Rotary.  From May 4-6, Rotarians from throughout Wisconsin, Michigan's Upper Peninsula and Southeast Minnesota will gather in Wisconsin Dells for Fun, Fellowship and Learning.  Register now to ensure your participation in the great Plenary speakers at mealtime.   Learn more and register now at
About Us
TriCon 2018 Wisconsin is a Rotary District Conference for Rotarians in District 6220, District 6250 and District 6270.  All Rotarians from Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and eastern Minnesota, with their significant others and families, and other Rotarians and friends of Rotary are welcome.
Who is organizing the event?
TriCon 2018 Wisconsin is a collaborative project of three Rotary Districts.   It is coordinated by District Governors Christine “Tina” Hall, D6220 (Northeast Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula of Michigan), Joe Ruskey, D6250 (Western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota); and Jeff Reed, D6270 (Southeast Wisconsin); with the assistance of Conference Chair Barb Senn, Conference Treasurer Steve Handrick, and conference committees from the three Districts.
Our Goals are to
  •          Celebrate Rotary and benefit all three Rotary districts.
  •          Be family friendly.
  •          Connect with Youth and the young at heart.
  •          Present OUTSTANDING speakers and programs.
  •          Offer information, learning, and excitement to all attendees.