Posted by Peter Szoke
At our most recent club meeting, we were honoured to have Mary Lou Harrison, Rotary District 7070 Governor come speak to us.  She spoke about the Rotary International theme for 2018, Be the Inspiration.  The theme, created by Rotary International President Barry Rassin, asks Rotarians to inspire change in the world and in each other. To quote Barry, “I ask all of you to Be the Inspiration to help Rotary move from reaction to action — to take a hard look at the environmental issues that affect health and welfare around the world and do what we can to help.”
Mary Lou, thank you for coming to inspire us!
Below, left to right, is a photo from our meeting of Rotarians Noel, Graham and Noeline, visiting Rotaractors Saanmugi and Mamta, District Governor Mary Lou, Club President Richard, and our Assistant District Governor Andy Tang.