Posted by Nash Azam on Dec 11, 2017
Mr. Michael White with President Richard Housen
It all began after the Save the Oak Ridges moraine of the 1990's and 2000's, in 2006 the then government of Ontario set aside the Oak Ridges Moraine and first called ORM corridor park. The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority took over the management of it.
 Rtn.Bill Harris (late) found this conservation area ten years ago and Rotary Club of Richmond Hill got working on this each spring ever since. This will soon become Richmond Hill Central Park as the one we have in New York USA. For the last 10 years Richmond Hill Rotary, have been sponsoring and managing the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation funding. This has meant the 1500 and more native tree and shrub seedlings the 500 kids plant each spring for which beside Rotary Club of Richmond Hill Financial support and Admin volunteers hours, TD FEFF adds from $10,000 to $15,000 each year. The conservation authority and the Town of Richmond Hill's Urban Forestry department put another $3 to $5,000 worth of site preparation and organizing each year, including bringing the Canadian Raptor Conservancy Bird show. Each year project is worth from $18,000 to $25,000. Soon we would like to work with Michael White, who has been instrumental and coordinating this project past 10 years with all entities and we would like to give a name to the more than 20 Acres of new woods we have planted in the north east corner of the Reserve in these 10 years. We believe these woods could be the Bill and Shelagh Harris woods and a Rotary RH sign also be installed, after all the Rotary work that has gone in them.
President Richard on behalf of Rotary Club of Richmond Hill, thanking Sri kopo of Sheraton for his contribution and dedicated service to our club through out the year and for many years. We are honoured to have conduct our weekly meetings and other salient events at Sheraton Parkway Hotel RH, and we are equally thankful to the Management and Chef staff for their efficient and cordial services to Rotary. We wish every one very warm season greetings and happy new year.