There are 34,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. As signified by the motto Service Above Self, Rotary's main objective is service - in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.
Are you interested in being involved and volunteering in Markham? The Markham-Unionville Rotary Club welcomes you to visit one our friendly dinner meetings and consider becoming a part of the Rotary Club. We are a group of 20+ professional men and women who meet on a regular basis to see what we can do to make a difference in our community, and beyond.
Our Club assists many local charities, events, and organizations like The Markham-Stouffville Hospital, Unionville Home Society, Markham Museum. Markham Fall Fair, Evergreen Hospice, Markham-Stouffville Family Life Center, Milne Park Forest Restoration, Student Awards for the local High Schools, Walk For Life, Markham Santa Claus Parade, Markhaven Seniors Home, Markham Farmers' Market, The Unionville Jazz Festival and Student Exchange Programs. We are also involved in helping to eradicate Polio and numerous other charitable causes around the world. We even have our very own Choir!
Markham Rotary Community Rotaract Club . The Rotary Club of Markham Sunrise and the Markham-Unionville Rotary Club are proud to announce that the Rotaract Club of Markham received a Certificate of Organization on May 21, 2018.
Contact Info: https://www.facebook.com/markhamrotaract/ RotaractMarkham@gmail.com
What’s Rotaract Club? There are roughly 10904 Rotaract clubs 250792 Rotractors from 184 countries. Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18-30 to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun while providing service. In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service. From big cities to rural villages, Rotaract is changing communities like yours.
Markham Rotary Community Interact Club
What is an Interact Club ? Interact club brings together young people from the ages 12 – 18 to develop leadership skills, discover the power of service to others above self and at the same time have fun while implementing initiatives and projects. There are more than 20372 Interact Clubs and 468556 Interactors from 159 countries as of April 2018.
How do I join? If you live in Markham you can contact Markham Rotary Interact Community by email : markhaminteract@gmail.com or facebook page at www.facebook.com/markhaminteract or following them on twitter and instargram @markhaminteract. For other locations, please visit http://www.rotary7070.org/sitepage/interact-1 to find out other interact clubs within Greater Toronto Area.

Together with Councillor Keyes of Ward 5, there on behalf of Markham City Council and Mayor Scarpitti, members of the Rotary Clubs of Markham-Unionville and Markham Sunrise participated in a flag-raising ceremony to mark observance of World Polio Day. Councillor Keyes took the added measure of marking his left pinky finger with purple dye, a symbol which many familiar with polio vaccination efforts will recognize. Our thanks to Councillor Keyes for representing the City well.
In our history making era We promised the world a healthy, polio-free future...and we’re almost there, 99.9% to be exact. This World Polio Day, let’s make history and shrink that number to zero.

The 2024 Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium (RYLS).
The 2024 Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium (RYLS) will be taking place, April 18-21, 2024 at the Ganaraska Forest Centre! The 3-night, 4-day experience is geared toward youth between the ages of 16-20 and will offer an inspiring program: Conflict Resolution, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Reconciliation and Land Based Education, Leadership, Hands-on Activities, Group Dynamics, Public Speaking, Outdoor Survival along with campfires, friendship and tons of fun and learning!!!
Rotary Clubs are encouraged to find and sponsor eligible participants within their community, as well as members of the Rotaract and Interact Clubs that they host. There are only 30 spots available - so act fast!
Applications are due by March 1, 2024. To apply click HERE.

Tuesday October 24, 2023. Markham Rotarians raise the End Polio Now flag at Markham Town Centre and receive the Mayor's Proclamation on World Polio Day citing Rotary's efforts to eradicate polio.

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The Markham-Unionville Rotary Club is proud to partner with Amica-Unionville and the Markham Food Bank on a food drive in this community. The Markham Food Bank is a registered non-profit charity working to alleviate food insecurity for Markham community members. With the help of volunteers and donations, the Markham Food Bank offers food supplies and other basic necessities to community members. The Markham Food Bank is committed to creating a welcoming environment of fairness and equality for everyone that walks through our doors. During the pandemic the needs of the Markham Food Bank has increased. Food bank usage has increased by about 46% since the start of the pandemic. The current inflation caused by pandemic supply-chain issues and the war in Ukraine will make this even worse. |

Flowers discusses the inadequate management of wastewater in rural communities, bridging partisan divides, the ways those two topics intersect — and how Rotarians can be part of the solution

The Supurunda Water Supply Project in Papua New Guinea has been a successful example of how Rotary is advancing peace and providing clean water and sanitation.

For the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai International, Thailand, virtual meetings were a lifeline.

Here’s how joining a Rotary club helped enhance Ashley Holmer’s work

In a challenging time, Rotary members and partners have shown drive in overcoming challenges.
Markham, ON L3P 1Y6