
Volunteers to make/delivery 30 packed lunches

December through March

With Toronto's homeless shelters currently at 98 per cent occupancy during the cooler months, the Out of the Cold programs become not only a welcoming alternative to the streets, but literally life-saving as they provide the disadvantaged with shelter, physical and emotional care.

Rotary Etobicoke's Hands On volunteers always provide bag lunches for St. Margaret's Lakeshore Church and St. Matthew's Bloor St. Church to support their Out of the Cold Programs.  The OOTC programs are looking for volunteers to provide dinner, supervise overnight stay, oversee shower and laundry facilities, winter clothing, breakfast, packed lunch along with companionship and compassion.     The winter programs run from late November to end of March.    .      Each of the 30 lunch bags will contain a wrapped sandwich (i.e. cheese, ham, lettuce), a zip lock bag of 6 cookies, a piece of fruit (orange, banana, apple), a drink (water, juice box) and optional bag of chips.    Delivery has to be completed after 2 p.m. to the church kitchen - Sunday for St. Matthew's Church Bloor St and Monday for St. Margaret's Church Lakeshore.       Hands-On Etobicoke will provide a budget of $85 to cover the cost of 30 lunches    Please contact Gillian Dugas, tyndale746@hotmail.com,  if you are able to provide lunches and for more information.