Bea Osome
Jeffrey Fine
- President Li reminded all members to submit receipts for expenses related to the Rummage Sale.
- Next week meeting, October 18th is cancelled. Our next meeting will be on October 25th, where we will have a speaker - GAry Powers- to talk about the Cold War Museum
- Charter Night will be on October 25th at the Canal Ritz Restaurant
- District Conference will be on October 28th and 29th
- Wendy submitted to the Club the request of supporting a project for a school in Mexico as recommended by past Distric Governour Claude La Liberte. Wendy will provide more details.
Jeffrey Fine an international trade, finance and economic advisor for governments across the globe. He has worked with NGO's, governments and educational organizations, and the private sector in the field of Internalization of Education. The fact that people nowadays have longer productive lives often present the challenge of multi- generational presence in the work place and in the field of education. These reality poses the need to understand the needs of different members. The diversity of cultures, the digital information and the multi-generational presence in the work place is something that we must face by seeking cooperation among all members.
We should stand and think how we make sense of this trend of information. Universities and educators face the challenge of preparing individuals for the future. The educational system has been transformed to be able to integrate all these new trends.  The skills that people need today are different from what they needed in the past.  People need to develop critical thinking rather than acquiring knowledge about facts that may become outdated in a short period of time. There is also a need to develop cross-cultural competency and trans-disciplinary thinking in order to prepare people for evolving professions.
We thanked Jeffrey for sharing his knowledge and experience with our Club members.