Five new locations for labs have been identified in the Athabasca region in Northern Saskatchewan.
I Love First Peoples recently posted the following information on Facebook:
Radio-Canada is doing a feature on us, and focus is on the newly-installed Sew & Sew lab in the Anishinabeg Algonquin First Nation community of Kitigan Zibi. The new lab looks fabulous thanks to the passion and dedication of the teacher, Kelly Diabo
Several students volunteered to be interviewed, and they spoke about the importance of sewing for reconnecting to culture or passing it on to their own children some day. Many spoke of their desire to reclaim the heritage that was taken from their parents and grandparents through residential schools.
Special thanks also to the partners who make Sew & Sew possible across Canada : Janome Canada, PVH, MONAT Gratitude Foundation, American Eagle Foundation, Evolugen, The Art For Aid Project, Manitoulin Transport, Baffinland Iron Mines, Rotary International and everyone who encourages the program by sharing our posts and donating.
Check this website for more information: