Posted by Mike Lake
The club raised more than 25,000 baht selling used clothing, electronics, and household items to eager bargain hunters at the November 25th event held outside of CMU’s Art Center. Members took turns haggling with buyers over the prices for goods as varied as wrist watches, hand bags, horror-movie posters, music CDs, summer dresses, and cameras.
Roger Lindley, Nancy Lindley, Shana Kongmun, and Imelda Tibbott get ready for the morning rush.
Because the fair began at 11 a.m. and didn’t end until after 9 p.m., much of the business came after 5 p.m., as shoppers emerged from home and work. Nancy Lindley Roger Lindley, Shana Kongmun, Imelda Tibbott, and Mike Lake helped set up the CMIRC tables and clothing racks. Friend of Rotary Sam Scott pitched in during the morning rush. Jerry Nelson, Christian Bollier, Bill Kipp, Geoff  Perry, and Mike Gholson relieved the morning crew around 1 p.m., and they were joined by visiting Rotarian Alison Smith from the U.K. Last year the club raised a little more than 14,000 baht, so the 2017 Garden Fair sale was a great success.
Mike Lake made one of the final sales of the evening to a Thai Beatles fanatic