October 20, 2016:  Kirsten Sainsbury, “Stratford Tourist Association”, Doug Thompson will introduce and Rob Russell will thank our speaker.

Head Table:  Our President Kevin Silver, invites, Doug Thompson, Gary Morris, Howard Murray, Mike Neilson, Ken Nesbitt, and Berny Nymeyer, to join him at the head table.
This Week:  Our speakers were Rotarian Mimi Price and Andrew Williams, Chief Executive Officer of the Huron Perth Health Care Alliance.
Mimi Price discussed current and future role of YMCA including expansion
Mimi is Chief Executive Officer of the Stratford Perth Family YMCA and she gave us an update on the YMCA. It is a charity, a place to belong and operating since 1869, and The United Way helps those who can’t afford to belong without financial help. Last year, over 9,000 made use of our YMCA. 458 kids are in the Y child care daily. There are 10 locations in Stratford. There are programs teaching swimming and survival and on relationships.
Andrew Williams current Campaign Chair discussing current and future programs and 3-year campaign
Health, fitness and aquatics: The Y is open 364 days a year. The pool is open 78 hours a week. Children’s Day Camp is growing and designed to be a kid’s “holiday”; full enough to have them exhausted by 8:30 pm. The programs are Trainers of Young in the process.
The Y offers free swims on statutory holidays and free access on Family Day and Health Kids Day. 1,300 or 25% of members receive financial assistance. The older adult market is growing. Community Enrichment Programs for youth are located both in and outside the City.
Reality of the passing years: The building is no longer big enough. Changes are needed. Renovate? Major addition? New building? The pool is 25 yards (not competition length) It must be 25 meters. There has to be 6 lanes also. A kid’s pool two and a half feet deep would be great. Family change rooms must be added. Parents are taking kids of both sexes to learn how to swim and be safe in the water.
Mimi also said St. Mary’s Hospital has a Wellness Centre run by the YMCA. She reminded us again that The United Way is a strong supporter of the Y.
Andrew spoke on behalf of The United Way as Co-Chair, pointing out the benefits to all of the 3 year campaign. This year, by itself, the campaign is targeting an 8% increase over last year: $1,337,000.00 is the target. 
The three-year approach; however, adds stability to The United Way itself, and organizations that continue to receive funding.
Andrew also mentioned The United Way services that improve people’s lives; programs such as Choices for Change dealing with drugs and alcohol, a program in Listowel and Crossing Bridges, the Mennonite Church program for Syrian refugees, which is so good it has become a template used across Canada. Andrew also mentioned that United Way is helping John Howard Society (an organization helping released prisoners who have served their time).
Mimi and Andrew were introduced by Peter Maranger and thanked by Ron Shaw (with a cheque for Andrew).
Scribe: D.G.P., QC
Guests: Today we welcomed Sydney Fuhrman, Tim Culliton, Heidi Spanabauer.

Draw: The draw prize today was donated by Anonymous donor, and was won by Katherine Hahn.
Make-ups: Clarke Mitchell, October 11 at the FCRC.
October’s Attendance Committee: Lyn McKone (I/C), Carolyn Blackburn, Cindy Hyde, Rob Ritz, Peter Roach, Carolyn Champagne, George Schroeder, Doug Thompson, Angus MacDermid, Gary Wreford.
November’s Attendance Committee: Doug Wilson (I/C), Bill Cozyn, Clark Mitchell, Lorne Mitchell, Jim Young, Howard Murray, Marcia Matsui, Lutzen Reidstra, Dave Skinner, Philip Schroeder.